
The Enhanced Content Lifecycle Policy in VIDIZMO aims to introduce better content management for its users. It provides an intuitive way to create, edit, and prioritize content policies on your Portal. You can form policies for content to be deleted or purged. You can also determine whether these policies run manually or automatically for effective content management on your Portal. 

Navigating to Content Lifecycle Policy  

        1. Click the Action Menu button at the top left.

        2. Click the "Admin" dropdown.

        3. Select "Portal Settings."


         4. In Portal Settings, click Library.

         5. Select 'Content Lifecycle Policy' to begin managing your content policies. 

Creating a Content Lifecycle Policy  

On the Content Lifecycle Policy page, you can perform several actions to manage all content policies on your Portal. Let us demonstrate how you can create a content policy that caters to your needs. 


        1. Use the Add Policy button to create a new policy. 

        2. Enter a unique and descriptive name for your Policy 

        3. Include a policy description which consists of relevant details.  

        4. Select the kind of policy you wish to create from the Type dropdown:

  1. If the ‘Soft Delete Policy’ is selected, the content files in the Portal content complying with this policy go to the Recycle Bin. 
  2. If the ‘Purge Policy’ is selected, the content in the Recycle Bin complying with this policy is permanently deleted. You can also specify the number of days before the policy acts on the content inside the Recycle Bin. 

Note: VIDIZMO creates a Purge Policy by default whenever a Portal is made. You can edit it like any other Purge Policy. 

       5. In the Apply To dropdown, select which content will be affected by your content policy. 

  1. If ‘All Content’ is selected, the current policy will apply to all content in your Portal. However, if your current policy type is a Purge Policy, all content here refers to everything inside the Recycle Bin. 
  2. With ‘Limited Content’, you can make a more specified selection. You can create content criteria that meet your requirements using clauses. 

    Note: When Limited Content is selected, you'll find three clauses that can't be removed, and their Fields can't be changed. However, you can enter or change their Values as these clauses are mandatory for defining your content selection

        6. The Field defines a scope for your Portal content. It contains options for where your content is present, its status, condition, or more. 

        7. The Operator determines the relation between the Field and Value columns. 

        8. The Value column defines or specifies what content type is marked or selected for the policy. The inputs in Value depend on what Field and Operator are selected. 

        9. You can use the Add New Clause button to create another clause to refine or specify your content selection.

      10. To remove a clause, click the cross next to it. 

      11. Use the toggle button to decide on the Execution Type. Turn the toggle on to enable Automatic policy execution or turn it off to switch to Manual Execution. 


        12. Click the 'Create' button to finalize creating the policy.

        13.  Before doing this, you may want to click the Preview tab to see which content will be affected when the policy is executed


Preview Tab  

The Preview screen shows the content that will be affected, along with their details.. You can click the content under the 'Titles' column to open them in a new tab on the browser.

        1. You can use the overflow menu under Actions to lock or unlock any content file shown on the preview screen. The Lock icon indicates whether the content is Locked or Unlocked. To learn more about locking, visit: Use Lock in VIDIZMO to Restrict Content Archiving.

        2. To selectively apply the Policy Action on the content in the Preview screen, select them via their checkboxes, and then click the “Apply” button. The system will notify the user that the policy action cannot be applied to locked content.

        3. Use the Edit Columns to go into Column Options to add, remove, or edit columns in the Preview screen. 

Columns in the Preview screen to display more information about affected files. You can alter them according to your preferences. 
  1. Add a new column via the Add New Column button. 
  2. Reorder the column by dragging the icon next to their name. 
  3. Remove columns using the x icon. 
  4. Use the Apply Button to save your adjustments. 

History Tab 

Another tab that you can check before creation is the History tab. This tab consists of a log that documents any changes to a policy and all instances of its execution since its creation. If you are creating a new policy, you can't select this tab. Let us look at the History tab of another policy to see what actions you can perform. 

        1. Use the Filter Icon to create a specified query for certain logs.   

        2. Use the button switch between Compact and Detailed View.   

        3. Use the Download button to download the logs in a CSV or PDF. 

        4. Use the Refresh button to see the updated logs. 


Managing Content Lifecycle Policies 

You can perform several actions for your created policies on the Content Lifecycle Policy page. 

        1. You can manually execute a policy, even if it is set to automatic, using the "Execute" button.  

        2. You can use the Edit button to reconfigure an existing policy or view its logs in the History tab.  

        3. Clicking the Delete button will delete the policy.  

        4. Prioritize your content policies by dragging and reordering them via the drag icon on the Content Lifecycle page. The priority order is defined from top to bottom, with the top having the most priority. 

For more information regarding Content Lifecycle Policies, visit Understanding Content Lifecycle Policies in VIDIZMO.