09 July 2024

We’ve been hard at work to bring you the latest updates. This release is jam-packed with exciting new features, enhancements, and crucial bug fixes to elevate your experience.  


What’s New  

  • We’ve just added a fantastic new way to handle email notifications: Say hello to SendGrid! alongside SMTP, you can now effortlessly send email notifications through SendGrid.This integration means smoother delivery of email notifications from VIDIZMO, ensuring your messages reach their destination without a hitch. To learn more, refer to Understanding SendGrid as an SMTP Service in VIDIZMO.


  • Now, when transferring content between storage providers, ensure nothing gets left behind. Starting today, you’ll find a shiny new button on your source storage provider to seamlessly migrate any content that didn’t transfer successfully initially. It’s your fail-safe for large data transfers—keeping your content intact and your heart at ease! Learn more in the article Migrate Content Between Storage Providers in VIDIZMO.

 Bug Fixes

  • If encryption was on and on-demand processing was switched off, our VIDIZMO indexer was throwing a fit. Not cool. But hey, we’ve squashed that bug now. 
  • We’ve squared away the issue of user profile data not getting deleted as expected. Now, when you delete a user profile in our GDPR-enabled Portal, rest assured that the data will vanish as it should. 
  • So, in portals where AWS is all setup, we noticed a hiccup: user profile pictures weren’t loading up properly. But no worries, we’ve zapped that bug into oblivion and got it sorted. Now, your profile pics should pop up without a hitch.  
  • We’ve tackled the hiccup where the VIDIZMO indexer was acting up in our SaaS environment. It’s back on track now!
  • We’ve squashed the bug where user data wasn’t getting deleted properly with GDPR enabled. Now, when you delete a user’s data, it disappears like magic, just as it should.
  • Ever tried searching in Media Manager using a partial keyword and come up empty-handed? No more wild goose chases. We’ve fixed it, so now your partial keyword searches will hit the mark every time. 
  • Categories with anonymous access were playing nice, but the non-anonymous ones were being shy and not showing up on the desktop app’s homepage. We’ve fixed the bug, so now all categories are out to play.
  • Audit log searches were being sneaky, where rows on pages weren’t loading correctly. We fixed it, so now go ahead, load those logs, and enjoy the expanded view without the déjà vu.
  • Files in the Recycle Bin were stubbornly refusing to purge according to retention policy configurations. We’ve straightened things out—now all files can be purged as intended.
  • Despite turning off email notifications in settings, some users were still magically receiving them—a kind of magic, but not a good kind. So, we fixed the issue.
  • Attempting to restrict VIDIZMO app access to a single location left you locked out—oops! Now, with the magic touch fixed, location restriction works like a charm!
  • We’ve fixed the issue where category permissions weren’t applied correctly during uploads. Now, your uploads will neatly fall into the correct category with the permissions you’ve set up.
  • We've taught our Thumbnail Capture function a neat trick. It now correctly identifies content formats in the URL—your thumbnails will now capture the essence of your files perfectly.
  •  We've brought back the missing feature! You can now feature a category on your account homepage exactly as intended—no more surprises.
  • We've fixed the issue where Guest Users unexpectedly appeared in the analytics on the Reports Dashboard. Now, portal users are correctly identified by their registered usernames in analytics. No more guest-list confusion—just apparent, accurate reporting! 
  • No more double trouble in search results! We've tweaked things, so your uploaded mashup only appears once, even if the title and description share the same word.