
VIDIZMO provides various integration apps for different purposes, including the AWS Export App. This app lets you export specific files of your Portal content to an assigned AWS S3 Bucket. To use this app, you need to configure it with your AWS S3 bucket credentials and define the export activity you want to conduct on your Portal. This article will guide you on performing the export activity on your Portal according to your app's configuration. 

If you want to learn about the concepts behind the Export App, refer to Understanding the Functionality of the AWS Export App 


  • You need to have the AWS Export app already configured before any export activity can be performed. Refer to Configuring the AWS Export App in VIDIZMO for the procedure.
  • Ensure that you have an active AWS account with permission to create and manage an S3 bucket.
  • You also need a designated S3 Bucket to contain your Exported content. Click Create an Amazon S3 Bucket for a guide on creating one. For additional information, visit Creating a Bucket. 


Activating Automatic Content Export  

If you have enabled Automatic Export on your AWS Export App’s settings, the application will carry out the export activity on the Portal content that matches your defined Export Criteria. During the export activity, the specified Content Files are exported to the destination S3 Bucket. The application also considers your Export Preference for the automatic export activity.

When "Already Present" is selected, the application performs the export activity on all existing and future Portal content once. If "Export After Enable" is selected, the automatic export activity only applies to content that's added after the Export App has been enabled from the Integration Apps page. Click here for more information regarding Export Preference.


    1. To enable Automatic Export on your Portal, you need to activate the AWS Export App from the Integration Apps screen by turning the toggle on.

         Note: There is a 30 second timer between toggling the Export App on or off.

    2. Once the application is enabled, it initializes a continuous workflow that runs and monitors content that meets the defined export criteria. You can determine if the Export App is active with this continuous workflow via "Sync Process", it can have the following status:

            a. PendingIndicates that the export workflow is about to begin.

            b. Running: Indicates that the workflow for the export activity is running.

            c. Finished: Indicates that the workflow for the export activity is finished.

            d. Cancelling: Indicates that the workflow has received the input to stop.

            e. Cancelled: Indicates that the workflow for the export activity has stopped.

    3. The "Last Sync Attempt" is a scheduled check that specifies the date and time when the application last retrieved the "Sync Process" status of the export workflow.

    4. Lastly, if an error was encountered in the automatic export activity, then you can click the "Error Details" text to open a window that provides the details.

Automatic Export is particularly useful for automating the export of content files of Portal content that’s added and then automatically processed by other VIDIZMO applications.

For example, you can use the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer to automatically process and generate Insights for audio files added via Ingestion App. The processing creates timed data files, which contain information regarding the generated Insights. You can use the Automatic Export capability of the AWS Export App to move these timed data files to a designated S3 Bucket.

Performing Manual Content Export

Once the AWS Export App is enabled, you can perform a manual or on-demand export on content that’s present in your Portal Library. A manual export can be performed regardless of the Automatic Export being on or off. The AWS Export App will also only export the content files that are selected in its Export Criteria..

Note: If the content you have selected for manual export does not have a content file that is selected in the AWS Export App, then an entry will be created in the Export Log but it will have "No File Found" in its details. Make sure that you process your content for the content files before exporting. 

    1. While on your VIDIZMO Portal's Library or Manager, select Export from the overflow menu of the content to export its files to the destination AWS S3 Bucket.
    2. You can also export the files of multiple content by selecting them and then clicking the "Export" button on the header menu.

    3. The system will ask the user for confirmation, so click confirm to proceed. The user must confirm to allow the export app to perform its function. Once the user clicks Confirm, the system queue the Export Activity for the selected Content and an entry will be added to the Export Activity Log.

Using Advanced Search with Export Status 

The advanced search functionality in VIDIZMO enables you to search for Portal content based on attributes and properties. It is helpful if you want to search and display all content related to a specific attribute or property. 

The options shown in the advanced search are based on the attributes in your portal that are set to "Searchable" (including both System and User-defined attributes). For more information about Custom Attributes, refer to: 

In addition to attributes, the advanced search includes additional fields related to properties that your Portal content can have. Examples of these properties are AI Processed, Redacted, Clipped, and more. 

Let us demonstrate how you can use advanced search to display all Portal content that has undergone the Export Activity: 

    1. Click the button on the search bar at the top to open the Advanced Search modal.

    2. Select the App Status as a Field which is indicated by an alphanumeric string (which indicates its ID) followed by “_Status”. For the Export App, the Field is “8485e07-1962-4984-b7b8-900932f860_Status"

    3. Enter the export activity status as the Value to bring the affected content. The value can be either Exported, Exporting or Not Exported. See Export Status Tag to learn more. In this demonstration we will go with Exported. 

    4. Use the Add or remove buttons to define clauses for your required search crtieria.

    5. Click Apply to begin the search.

The results of the Advanced Search show all the content that underwent the Export Activity.  

Analyzing Export Activity Logs 

You can track the progress of your current export activity and access the logs of previous activities on the Activity Logs page. The search options on the Activity Logs page can be used to filter or display the logs that a user wants explicitly. For instance, they can either use the search bar to perform a simple search or use the search options to create a criteria that meets their preferences. In addition to this, the users are also provided with a button to purge the entries from the Activity logs. To learn more about the how the Export Activities are logged, see Export Flow.  


For a comprehensive look regarding the aspects of the Activity Log, such as the Columns or search filters, visit: Understanding Activity Logs.