
The AWS Export App provides users with a convenient and efficient solution for exporting content files from their Portal to a designated S3 Bucket. Once the application is enabled, you can perform an export activity on any Portal content, which moves its content files to the destination S3 Bucket. The application also gives you the option to allow the automatic export of files belonging to your Portal content. Turning this option on allows you to create a criteria for the Portal content that will undergo the automatic export activity. The application also provides you with additional features, such as setting an export preference or a post-export action to enhance the content exporting activities on your VIDIZMO Portal.   


To learn about the concepts behind the configurations, visit: Understanding the Functionality of the AWS Export App.  



  • Ensure that you have an active AWS account with permission to create and manage an S3 bucket. 
  • You also need a designated S3 Bucket to contain your Exported content. Click Create an Amazon S3 Bucket for a guide on creating one. For additional information, visit Creating a Bucket

Creating the AWS S3 Export App

1. Use the Action Menu at the top left to go into Portal Settings.

2. Click the 'Admin' dropdown.

3. Click Portal Settings.

4. Select Apps in your Portal Settings.
5. Select Integration Apps. 
6. Click the “Add New Apps” button. 

7. Use the “Add“ button to create an AWS Export App. Unlike other integration apps, Only one instance can be created for this application.


           8. Once the AWS Export App is added, use the gear icon to go into its configuration.

Configuring the AWS S3 Export App

Entering AWS Credentials   

  1. Enter the Access Key for your AWS Account. 
  2. Enter the Secret Key for your AWS Account. The Secret key is mandatory for authenticating the user. 
  3. Select the AWS Region of your S3 Bucket and where S3 services are available. 
  4. Provide the name of the Destination S3 Bucket where the content files will be exported. 
  5. Choose whether to turn Automatic Export on or off. Enabling this option gives you access to additional settings that you can configure to carry out the automatic export activity according to your preferences. 
  6. Select the content files that you want to export to the destination S3 Bucket.
    1. Original Content: Export the raw or base content file. 
    2. Supporting Files: Export the supporting files for the original content. In VIDIZMO, these files are generated via Ingestion or an indexing activity by the AWS Indexer. 
    3. Audio PCM Files: Export the Audio PCM files which are generated when an audio or video goes through a PCM generation activity. One way of generating an audio PCM file is to open it in VIDIZMO’s Studio Space. Audio PCM files have .dat extension. Timed Data Files: Export the time data files that are generated after an AI processing activity, like detection. The extension for timed data files is usually .json. 
    4. Transcoded Files: Export the renditions of the original content that are created after transcoding. Extensions for transcoded files are usually m3u8 and .ts. 
    5. Thumbnails and Preview Thumbnail: Export the preview and custom thumbnails of the original content. Thumbnails usually have a .png or .jpg extension. 
    6. Closed Caption: Export the files created after processing an audio or video file for transcription. The extension for Closed Caption files is .vtt.
  7. Click Save Changes to finalize all configurations. 

Defining the Criteria for Automatic Export

If automatic export is enabled, the Export App will provide you with an interface where you can define the export criteria.

1. To begin, select a field. “Status” and “Publishing Status” are already defined as required fields for the criteria. The options available here (attributes and properties) are provided by default and may vary based on: 

  1. The VIDIZMO Package you are using.
  2. The Applications enabled on your Portal. 
  3. Any Searchable Custom Attributes defined by you.

For example, the "Redacted" attribute only appears if you have Redaction as part of your VIDIZMO package, “Media Culture” only appears if you have configured and enabled the AWS Indexer App, and “Categories” only appear in EVCM packages, while “Folders” and “Cases” only appear in a DEMS package.

2. Add the values for the respective field. The options displayed here depend on the selected field. For instance, if you select "Formats" as a field, the input corresponding to it displays a drop-down menu containing format types such as "Audio" or "Document." You can add these format types as values for the selected field. Here are the following ways the values can be taken an input.

a. Radio Button: Gives the user a "Yes" or "No" option to select as an input. It determines if the field specified by the user is True for the content, or not. The following fields have this option:

  • Clipped
  • Locked
  • Redacted
  • Featured (available in EVCM) 
  • AI Processed
  • Transcoded
  • Transcribed

b. Dropdown Menu: Offers the user a list of options that they can select (or unselect) from. The fields available for this option are:

  • Status 
  • Publishing Status 
  • Formats
  • Tags
  • Folder (available in DEMS)
  • Category (available in EVCM)

Note: Selecting Folder, Case, or Category as values for the "Formats" field queues the content inside for the export activity (if it meets the rest of your criteria). Selecting these values also removes other format types (such as Document, Video, and Audio) from the dropdown menu, and vice versa. 

c. Text Input: Allows the user to enter a value for the respective field manually. The default fields that use this input method are: 

  • Author Name  
  • Keyword 
  • Size 
  • Media Culture 
  • Mime Type 
  • App Status 
  • Drive System ID Key 
  • Content Demo ID 

Note: The method for inputting values for user defined Custom Attributes depends on their Type, which can be a Date, Text, or Dropdown. Visit How to Manage Custom Attributes for more information.

3. Use the plus button to add additional rows to further refine your content selection.

4. To remove or delete a row, click the "Remove" button next to it. 

5. Choose the Export Preference for your Portal.

  1. Select “Already Present” to allow automatic exporting of past and new content (content created or added) on the Portal that meets the defined criteria.
  2. Select “Export After Enable” to only allow the automatic exporting of content added after the Export App is enabled and that meets the export criteria. 

Configuring Post-Export Action

When Automatic Export is enabled, the Post Export also becomes available in the application's settings.

  1. Choose a Post Export action for all content that undergoes an automatic export activity.

a. Select "Leave as it is" to retain the status of the Portal content that underwent an Export Activity.

b. Select "Delete and Move to Recycle Bin" to move the Exported content to your Portal's Recycle Bin.

Once the changes are saved, you can perform the export activity on your VIDIZMO Portal according to your configurations. To learn how to carry out these export activities, visit How to Export Content Files using the AWS Export App.