
VIDIZMO enables users to define categories or subcategories for published media at the portal level. This functionality allows for the classification, organization, and segregation of media content, enhancing the users' ability to search and sort relevant media. Users can create, modify, or delete categories and subcategories, individually or in a hierarchical structure.

In VIDIZMO, users can apply access rights to a specific category, treating it as a folder to organize videos. Permissions can be set at the main category level, determining access for everything within it, including subcategories and content. Notably, VIDIZMO accommodates an uncategorized range, allowing it to exist without being bound to a specific category. This uncategorized content can be easily filtered through the media manager, giving users a more flexible and dynamic approach to content organization.


Before you start

  • Ensure that you are logged in using credentials with Manager+ privileges.

Note: Users with contributor roles are empowered to upload media files and manage corresponding media settings. Moderators have the authority to moderate all published content and upload media files within a specific category. Both viewers and moderators have the ability to create playlists and collections, which can be assigned to the default category.


Creating Category 

  1. Navigate to the portal's homepage. Click on the Navigation Menu icon in the screen's top left-hand corner to reveal the left navigation pane.
  2. Expand the Admin section by clicking on the down arrow within the navigation pane.
  3. From the expanded Admin section, select Portal Settings.

4. Go to the Portal Settings page.

5. Click on the Library tab to reveal its options.

6. Within the Library tab, choose Categories to access the dedicated category creation interface.

7. Select the "Add Category" button to create a new category. 

 8. To add a category, navigate to the basic settings tab:

  • Basic Settings 
    • Provide a title for the new category.
    • Include a description detailing the category.
    • The creator's name is pre-populated for your convenience, and you can make edits as necessary.

9. To create a category, click on the Save button.

Managing Category Options

Access and Sharing

 The "Access and Sharing" tab within the Categories Settings provides a comprehensive control suite for managing the availability, accessibility, and sharing aspects of categories.

  1. Who can access it?
  • All Account and Portal Viewers:  Enable all registered users on the portal and the Parent-Portal (Account) to view and access the category, and all the category content will be accessible. 
  • All Portal Viewers: Enable to allow all registered viewers to access the category.
  • Anonymous Viewers: This allows anonymous viewers to see the categories and their content. Keep in mind that anonymous users should only be able to view, not access, the categories. Furthermore, if subcategories inherit the rights of the main categories of anonymous viewer access, anonymous users can also view the subcategories and their content.
  • Limited Share Only: Enable to allow the uploader to set limited sharing for the category. In case of limited Sharing, the moderator plus users will have access to the categories.

2. How to Access It?

  • From Portal Library: Each portal has a dedicated media library where users can search for published media files. Enabling this option grants users access to the category from the portal library.
  • Featured Mashup: On the portal's homepage and also on the category home page there is a featured presentation list of media files and categories. Enabling this option allows users to access the categories from the homepage's featured list.


 The "Branding" tab within the Settings provides a comprehensive control suite for branding a category.

  1. Prior to adding a category, initiate the settings by selecting the Gear Icon adjacent to Categories to brand a category and enable the brand tab at the time of creating the category.

2. Within the Category Settings modal, select the checkboxes corresponding to the desired options.

  1. Allow Category Branding enables certain advanced options that allow you to set your Category's header, background, logo, and custom styling.
  2. Show Content Count on Categories displays the count of categories in the library/ media manager by enabling this option.
  3. Sum Up Categories Content Count enabling the Sum Up Categories Content Count allows you to consolidate the counts of subcategories (child categories) into the count of the main (parent) category. When activated, it includes the subcategory counts in the total count of the parent/upper category; when deactivated, it displays only the count specific to that individual category.

3. Select the Update option to finalize and apply the configured category settings.

4. In the branding tab, while creating or editing a category, you can customize category branding by uploading the required items:

  1. Thumbnail and Background Image: Add a thumbnail image and background image to personalize the visual representation of the category.
  2. Banner: To further enhance custom styling, integrate a banner for additional visual customization.
  3. Custom CSS: Apply custom CSS to implement specific styling preferences.

Refer to our guide for more information on "How To Brand a Category".

5. Click the Save button.

Custom Attributes

 In the custom attribute tab, under the field of "Custom User-Defined Attribute Name," a custom attribute with this name is created for content, facilitating search within VIDIZMO. The system utilizes the source system's ID as the value for this user-defined attribute, enabling quick location of specific content. Categories can be searched using their IDs. Therefore, to search for categories that have been ingested in VIDIZMO, you can use the source ID when creating categories in the custom attribute field.

Creating Sub Category

  1. Navigate to the desired main category. Hover over the category, and an "Add" button will appear. Click the "Add" button to initiate the creation of a subcategory.

2. Follow the previously outlined process in the Creating Category section of this document. Additionally, within the Access and Sharing tab, an extra step is introduced for subcategories.

3. Toggle the button to either turn on or off the option to Inherit Access Rights from the main category. Enabling this option ensures that the same access rights as the main category will apply to the subcategory. Alternatively, turn off the toggle button to define custom access rights for the subcategory.

4. Proceed to click the Save button to complete the subcategory creation.


The image below illustrates how subcategories will be displayed beneath the main category.

Editing Category

  1. Go to the desired category. Hover over the category, triggering the appearance of an Edit button. Click on Edit to make modifications to the category. Implement the desired changes.

2. You can edit the Basic Settings tab and Branding tab as desired, similar to the process outlined earlier in this document when creating a category. Within the Access and Sharing tab, you can define granular access for users, groups, and external audiences if you want to grant limited sharing permissions. 

Note: When the "Inherit Parent Access Rights" option is enabled for a child category, the inherited limited share is visible exclusively in that context. To maintain the integrity of inheritance, enabling it only disables viewing access, but a user can grant access rights to the child category.

Limited Sharing:

  • Specify the usernames or groups you wish to restrict from sharing the category or subcategories. These designated users and groups will be the only ones granted access to these categories.

  • You can customize user permissions, such as Editor, Limited Viewer, and Limited Editor, by adjusting the selected user's permissions from the Editor interface.

  • You can modify the enable/disable permissions for that user, and these changes will be applied to the content within the specified category.

To comprehend the concept of limited sharing in VIDIZMO, please refer to the article titled "Limited Sharing."

  •  It is crucial to emphasize that when the inheritance of access rights is enabled for subcategories, the editing and deleting options for these subcategories (child) within the limited share modal are disabled. This ensures that their inherited access rights remain consistent with the main category, preventing modifications to the child's content.

3. Click Save Changes to apply the modifications, and the category will be updated. This process remains consistent for both main and subcategories.

Delete Category

  1. Navigate to the desired category. Hover over the category to reveal the "Delete" button. Click on the "Delete" button.

2. A modal window will appear.

  1.  If opting for "Delete all subcategories and content within the category," the system will remove the chosen category, its subcategories, and all associated content.
  2. If opting for "Choose where content relocates," select the desired category to which the content will be moved. The system will relocate the content from the chosen category, whether it's the main or subcategory,  to the specified category.

3. To delete a category and relocate its content to the media library (root), click the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can choose another category from the list to which you want to move the content of the category you intend to delete.

4. When deleting a category and relocating the content to the media library (root), users will encounter a prompt that allows them to decide whether to preserve or delete access rights associated with the content. 

Specifically, content within the category inherits rights from the main category.

  •  Opting to "Delete Inherited Rights" will result in the deletion of the inherited rights from the main category. 
  • On the other hand, choosing "Retain Inherited Rights" ensures that the content retains the rights inherited from the main category while moving to the root, while the category selected will be deleted.
  • If the toggle for inheriting access rights is disabled in the case of a child category, and the customer chooses to retain inherited rights while deleting, the limited sharing rights will be preserved if previously configured.

5. Click the "Delete" button to finalize the deletion

Portal Security Policy for Categories

Within the VIDIZMO portal, updates to security policies affect uncategorized content, main categories, and sub-categories with disabled inheritance. When users modify portal security policies, they can set viewing access for categories, uncategorized content, and all content, providing precise control over access. This granular control ensures the alignment of security policies with specific access configurations in the portal. To learn more, refer to "Understanding Portal's Security Policy."

  1. Navigate to the portal's homepage. Click on the Navigation Menu icon in the screen's top left-hand corner to reveal the left navigation pane.
  2. Expand the Admin section by clicking on the down arrow within the navigation pane.
  3. From the expanded Admin section, select Control Panel.

4. Go to the Control Panel page.

5. Click on the Security option to reveal its options.

6. Within the Security, choose Security Policy to access the dedicated security policy interface. 

7. Select the "Update" button to establish the security policy governing viewing access for categories and uncategorized content within the portal.

8. Choose the preferred option to configure viewing access. The system will then update the viewing access of the content at the portal level according to your selection.

  • "Leave existing viewing as it is" signifies that the security policy will be applied to any new category created, maintaining the current settings for existing views. This will impact any new category or content published in the portal.
  •  "Updating viewing access on all categories" indicates that the security policy will be applied to both existing and newly created categories. 
  • "Updating viewing access on all uncategorized content" indicates that the security policy will be extended to cover all existing uncategorized content, as well as any newly uploaded content that remains uncategorized. It's important to note that the entire security policy will not be applied; rather, only the viewing access will be modified.
  • "Updating viewing access on all categorized and uncategorized content" indicates that the security policy will be applied to both existing categories and uncategorized content, as well as any newly uploaded content.

9. Click the Confirm button to apply the changes.

Viewing Categories

To access and view media content within categories, please adhere to the following steps for organized navigation of categories and content in the VIDIZMO portal.

  1. Navigate to the portal's homepage. Click on the Navigation Menu icon in the screen's top left-hand corner to reveal the left navigation pane.
  2. Expand the Admin section by clicking on the down arrow within the navigation pane.
  3. From the expanded Admin section, select Media Manager.

4. Within the "Published" tab of the Media Manager, categories are displayed in the left panel alongside their respective content. To view subcategories, expand the main category as needed.

Bulk Editing for Access Rights 

To efficiently manage and modify access rights for multiple media files with respect to categories, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Media Manager within the Published tab.
  2. Select the desired set of media files that require access rights editing.
  3. Access the header menu and click on Settings.

4. Within the Basic Settings tab, designate the appropriate categories for relocating the selected bulk media files.

5. In the Access and Sharing tab, leverage the following options:

  • Inherit Access Rights: Toggle this option as needed.
  • Who Can Access It?: Specify the intended audience.
  • Limited Sharing: Configure sharing limitations.
  • How to Access It?: Define the access method.

Detailed descriptions of these options are provided in the preceding section of this documentation.

6. After configuring the settings, click Save and Close to apply the changes. It is important to note that the previous access rights for the selected bulk media files will be overridden, and the newly configured access rights will take effect. In the case of inheriting access rights, the existing settings will be replaced by the newly applied changes for the media files.

Note: Customize access rights while uploading media for instant control. Specify the category to organize storage efficiently. Keep in mind that the access rights set during upload will govern the media file's behavior, regardless of its category.

Setting Default Category 

Marking a New Category as Default

To designate a category as the default selection, check the "Set as Default" option when creating it within the Basic Settings tab. This step is outlined in the "Creating New Category" section provided earlier. The category designated as default will be visibly labeled as such, as illustrated in the image provided below.

Marking an Existing Category as Default

To designate an already existing category as the default, simply click on the desired category to reveal its options, then select the "Set as Default" option adjacent to it.

Removing a Category from Default Status

To remove a category from default, click on the desired category to reveal its options, then select the "Remove from Default" option adjacent to it.


Default Category Functionality for Restricted Access Roles

In a scenario where a Manager+ user needs to designate a category as default for users with roles like Viewer+ or Contributor+ to upload media, ensure to enable the "Allow users to upload media into this folder" option in the Limited Sharing modal. 

  1. Select the user profile that currently holds the "Viewer" role and proceed to modify its permissions. Then, access the role assignment options and designate the "Editor" role for the selected user.
  2. Locate the specific permission setting labeled "Allow Users to Upload Media into this Category."Toggle the corresponding button to enable this permission.
  3. Once all desired changes have been made, ensure to save the modifications by clicking the designated "Save" button.


Once a category is set as default, it will appear as the default option for Contributor+ user roles when they upload content to the portal. Consequently, their uploaded content will be directed to the default category. Additionally, when a user with the Viewer+ role creates a collection or playlist, the associated media files will be saved in the default category.

Ordering Categories and Sub-Categories 

To order categories or subcategories, follow these steps on the categories page:

  1. Locate the category or subcategory you want to reorder.
  2. Click and hold the category or subcategory.
  3. Drag it to the desired position. A placeholder will appear indicating the new position.
  4. Release the mouse button to drop it in place.

This method allows you to change the order of both categories and subcategories.

Additionally, to change a subcategory to a main category:

  1. Pick up the subcategory you want to move.
  2. Drag it on the main category.
  3. Release the mouse button to drop it in place.

The subcategory will now become the main category.

Similarly, to change a main category to a subcategory:

  1. Pick up the main category you want to move.
  2. Drag it to the desired position under another main category.
  3. Release the mouse button to drop it in place.

The main category will now become a subcategory.

Note: If you move a subcategory that contains further subcategories, the contained subcategories will remain as subcategories. The moved subcategory will become the main category.

To get an understanding of the feature concept, refer to "Unveiling the Dynamics of Category Access Rights in VIDIZMO."