
In the modern digital landscape, data security takes center stage, with individuals and organizations prioritizing the protection of sensitive information and system integrity. A commonly employed approach for safeguarding data is the utilization of restricted file extensions. This article explores the concept of restricted file extensions, highlighting their significance in enhancing security and control.

Restricted Extensions

Restricted file extensions encompass a curated collection of file types that are explicitly disallowed for upload or access. By implementing these restricted extensions, organizations can effectively mitigate risks associated with malicious files, prevent unauthorized access, and uphold data integrity. This feature empowers users to define a comprehensive list of file types deemed unsafe or unnecessary within their specific environment, adding an extra layer of security and control.

Manage and Control File Uploads with Restricted Extensions

To streamline the management of restricted file extensions, we have introduced a dedicated feature in the Control Panel. This feature is located within the "Security" section, specifically in the "Restricted Extensions" tab. Please note that access to and modification of the restricted extension settings are exclusive to users with Manager+ privileges.


Within the Control Panel's Restricted Extensions section, users with the appropriate privileges can easily add, delete, and edit file extensions based on their specific requirements. When a file extension is added to the restricted list, it implies that any file with that extension will be prohibited from being uploaded to the portal.

Consistent Restrictions

Furthermore, this restriction extends to content uploaded using the application programming interface (API) associated with the system. This ensures that any data input, whether through the user interface or programmatic interfaces, strictly adheres to the defined restrictions, thereby upholding the desired level of security.


Restricted file extensions provide a powerful solution for organizations and individuals aiming to strengthen their data security measures. By strategically blocking certain file types, organizations can proactively minimize the risk of malware infiltration, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure data integrity. Leveraging the comprehensive capabilities of the Control Panel's Restricted Extensions feature empowers users to manage and enforce these restrictions efficiently, thereby elevating security and control over their systems and portals.


Up Next

To enable this powerful feature, refer to the comprehensive guide: "Configuring Restricted File Extensions for Enhanced Content Security." This step-by-step resource will walk you through the necessary steps to configure the restricted file extensions and enhance the overall content security of your system.