
Configuring SendGrid as an SMTP service to send notifications and emails from the VIDIZMO portal can be accomplished in simple steps. For a comprehensive understanding of SendGrid integration in the VIDIZMO portal, refer to the article "Understanding SendGrid as an SMTP Service in VIDIZMO."

This article outlines the necessary steps to configure SendGrid in the VIDIZMO portal.


1. Ensure that you have the Manager+User role.

2.  Active SendGrid account.

Setting Up SendGrid Account

To use SendGrid as an SMTP service in VIDIZMO, you need to have an active SendGrid account. Follow these steps to obtain a verified account and an API key from SendGrid:

  1. Visit the SendGrid website and sign up for an account.
  2. Create and store a SendGrid API key.
    • Navigate to your SendGrid account settings.
    • Under the Settings tab, select API Keys.
    • Click the Create API Key button.
    • Ensure the API key has full access with "Mail Send" permissions.
    • Store the created API key securely.
  3. Verify Your Sender Identity. To protect your sending reputation and uphold legitimate sending behavior, SendGrid requires customers to verify their Sender Identities. This is a necessary step to get started. Refer to this article for a detailed walkthrough of the steps to verify a Sender Identity.

Email Settings in VIDIZMO Portal

To set up the SendGrid service in the VIDIZMO portal, log in using the Manager+ user role.

From the Portal's Homepage

  1. Click on the menu icon at the top left corner of the screen to open the left navigation pane. 
  2. Then click on the down arrow to expand the admin section. 
  3. Select the Control Panel from the navigation panel.

On the Control Panel navigation pane

  1. Click on the Email to expand.
  2. Select Email Settings.


Configuring Email Settings 

To set up SendGrid in the VIDIZMO portal for efficient delivery of email and notifications, fill in the following fields under Email Settings: 

  1. Notifier: Select SendGrid from the drop-down menu. VIDIZMO provides two options: SMTP and SendGrid. For this setup, choose SendGrid.
  2. API Key: Enter the API key you created when setting up your SendGrid account, as described earlier in this document. This key is essential for connecting to SendGrid’s services.
  3. From: Enter the email address that will be used to send messages.
  4. CC: Add recipients who should receive a copy of the email.
  5. BCC: Enter the email addresses of recipients who should receive a hidden copy.
  6. Reply To: Enter the email address to which the recipient can reply.
  7. Click the Update button to proceed and finish the Setup.

However, there are advanced settings available that are optional and can be configured based on your specific requirements. 

Advance Settings 

  1. Categories: To monitor and analyze messages effectively, organize messages by subject matter using category labels (e.g., "Primary" and "Social").
  2. Importance: You can select the urgency of your message from the drop-down menu, choosing either "Urgent" or "Non-Urgent."
  3. IP Pool: Enter the IP pool name to group your emails for better delivery. This allows you to maintain separate reputations for your different email traffic. Only one name can be input at a time (e.g., "Marketing Emails"). Note that up to 100 pools per user can be created, each requiring a reverse DNS setup per IP.
  4. Sandbox Mode: Enable the toggle button to activate sandbox mode. This feature allows you to send a test email to verify the formatting of your request without actually delivering it to any recipients.
  5. Click Tracking: Enable click tracking to monitor recipient interactions with your emails. This feature allows you to see which links are most popular and how users engage with your content. You can track up to 1000 links per email.
  6. Text Tracking: This option will appear only if click tracking is enabled. Enabling text tracking allows you to monitor interactions with text-format links, even if the user copies and pastes the link into their browser.
  7. Open Tracking: Enable the toggle button to use open tracking. This feature helps you see how many recipients open your emails.
  8. Click the Update button to save changes.

Exploring the SendGrid Dashboard 

Now that you have configured SendGrid, you can perform any activity involving email notifications, such as inviting a new user or resetting a password in the VIDIZMO portal. The email notifications will be sent via SendGrid services.

To view analytics in your SendGrid account, navigate to the left pane. Click on Dashboard to view overall analytics, or click on Activity to check the analytics of recent email activity.



To access email analytics by category label, navigate to the Activity tab and proceed with an advanced search. Within the search options, choose 'Categories' and select the specific categories for which you want to view email analytics. All categories created in VIDIZMO will be available for you to choose from, enabling you to access the desired email analytics data easily.

IP pools

SendGrid provides dedicated IP addresses, allowing users to monitor which IP pool their emails are sent from directly within the SendGrid dashboard. Navigate to the Activity Feed and use the search bar to select Sending IP Address, then input your specific IP pool. This enables users to track email analytics associated with their designated IP addresses easily.