
In VIDIZMO’s DEM, every case is enclosed within folders. This folder contains pieces of evidence such as documents, images, videos, recordings. The Case in DEM can be inspected for further investigation. It allows us to zoom in & zoom out, annotate, and rotate images.

Before you start

  • Everyone who has access to a case (depending upon the media access settings and portal's security policies) can inspect a case. i.e., users with Viewer+ roles.

Go to My Cases

1. In order to inspect a case go to My Cases, then you will be redirected to the evidence page of this case.

2. Click on the Inspect button in order to inspect a Case.

Case Inspection

Case Inspection page will look like this:

i. These are the evidence/files in the ordered way, set by the user.

ii. On top-right, these are the options for download, share, add to quick access and settings for evidence.

iii. Here you can see all the details related to the evidence like:

Basic Information: It provides Basic Information like Author, Type, Folder, Uploaded On, Description, etc.

Tags: In this, you can see the tags given to this evidence.

Comments: This is the discussion pane, from which you can discuss the case/evidence.