For decades, law enforcement agencies have faced grave challenges in maintaining physical copies of each digital evidence acquired at the incident location, clip them into the relevant file to maintain the context of the case against which the evidence was collected from the scene, and then place them under the right departmental shelf so that it can be accessible to the right people.
With the innovation of Digital Evidence Management systems in the market, the investigative workflow has become easy-to-maintain while optimizing searchability and accessibility of data within Law Enforcement Agencies. VIDIZMO further eases the workflow by offering police departments the ability to submit digital evidence only within a case and organizing these cases within various departmental sections, and maintain access rights of every case.
Ensure that you have a Moderator+ role to access this feature.
I. From your Portal's Homepage,
1. Click on My Cases folder.
2. Your cases will be shown on the right side of the window.
II. You can bulk select your cases and can use options like:
- Settings: This option will allow you to change the settings of the cases such as title, tags, description, uploader’s name etc.
- Archive: This option will enable you to archive your cases whenever required.
- Flag: This option allows you to enable email notification settings for the cases.
- Unpublish: This option will unpublish your published cases and save them as drafts.
- Delete: This will delete all selected cases and move them to the recycle bin.
III. By clicking on any case folder, you can see all the documents, evidence and files related to that case.
Contributions were made by Sidra Jabeen.