In this article, learn how to manage login settings in VIDIZMO. The platform provides options to configure login settings, allowing administrators to manage user sessions and enhance security.
Users are logged out of VIDIZMO automatically by default after a few minutes of inactivity. Administrators can adjust this timeout setting to extend users logged-in duration. Once configured, users will stay logged in for the specified time, even if they close their browser or shut down their computers. Furthermore, users can manage login attempts in the VIDIZMO portal. This feature helps prevent security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts.
To learn more about refer to our article: Understanding Portal Security.
Follow the steps below to learn how to manage login settings on any portal.
- Ensure that you are logged into the portal with the Administrator+ role.
Navigating to the Login Settings
- On the Account/Portal homepage, select the menu icon in the screen's upper left-hand corner to bring up the left navigation pane.
- Click the down arrow to expand the Admin section.
- Select Control Panel.
4. From the Control Panel navigation pane, click on Security to expand its options.
5. Select Login Settings.
Configuring Login Timeout
To set the login timeout, follow these steps:
- To set the login time out, choose your preferred options:
b. Select Unlimited Timeout: This option prevents automatic logout during the session. The user will be logged out if the browser is closed or the browser cache is manually cleared.
c. Select Limited Timeout: Choose this option to define a custom session timeout duration.
- Once selected, a field will appear. Enter the desired session timeout duration in minutes.
3. A confirmation Prompt will appear. Click Update to confirm.
4. A confirmation message will display "Portal Information Updated successfully."
Configuring Login Attempts
- To set login attempts, follow these steps:
Note: The fields will be pre-populated with their default values. However, users can customize them as required.
- Number of failed attempts: You can set the maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts allowed before an action is taken based on your configured settings, like triggering a temporary account lock or login delay. The minimum value you can set is 3.
- Duration within which attempts can occur (minutes): Specify the time (in minutes) for the consecutive failed login attempts. The minimum duration you can set is 5 minutes.
- Account lock duration (minutes): Specify the account lock duration (in minutes). The minimum duration you can set is 5 minutes. After the defined number of failed login attempts is reached, the account will remain locked for this specified period.
3. A confirmation Prompt will appear. Click Update to confirm.
4. A confirmation message will display "Portal Information Updated successfully."
Login Delay
To add delay, follow these steps:
- Delay: Enable the toggle to introduce a delay before allowing another login attempt.
- Number of attempts after a delay occurs: Set the number of attempts after which a delay is triggered. The minimum number of attempts you can configure is 1. The maximum number of incorrect login attempts before a delay occurs is 3.
2. Click Update to apply the changes.
3. A confirmation Prompt will appear. Click Update to confirm.
4. A confirmation message will display "Portal Information Updated successfully."
Note: If the account locks after the number of failed attempts, the account administrator will receive a notification email indicating that the user has exceeded the number of incorrect login attempts.
The screenshot below demonstrates the delay timer that users will encounter after unsuccessful login attempts. This timer activates following repeated failed attempts, introducing a delay before users can try to log in again.
These settings allow organizations to customize their VIDIZMO portal according to their security requirements, making the portal secure from unauthorized access.