
VIDIZMO's LTI integration allows you to access and integrate content from your VIDIZMO Portal into your LMS environment using the LTI 1.3 protocol. The integration gives you several ways to enhance the learning experience on your LMS by letting you efficiently, securely, and conveniently utilize the content of your VIDIZMO Portal, along with all its features and functionality. 


For this, VIDIZMO provides LTI Apps specific to an LMS and a general LTI App that can be utilized for integration. This article will focus on using the Moodle LTI App in VIDIZMO to integrate your content into Moodle courses and explain the flow of interaction for various users with your portal content. 


  • In Moodle, ensure you have the required standard roles or permissions to create a course, modify course activities, and configure LTI Tools. Refer to Standard roles for more. 
  • Ensure that you have the required permissions to configure Moodle LTI App on your VIDIZMO Portal. Refer Configuring an LTI App for LMS Integration to for a detailed guide on the configurations. 

Create a Moodle Course 

You need a Moodle course to use your VIDIZMO content as activities. If you already have a course with all participants enrolled and assigned, then skip to Adding Content

  1. Login with the required role. 

2. Go to ‘My Courses’ at the top navigation bar. 
3. Select ‘New Course’ from the menu indicated by three dots. 

4. On the course creation screen, fill in the fields to create the course according to your preferences.  

Note: In Moodle, you also need to provide a Category for each of your courses. The default category in Moodle is ‘Category 1’ but you can rename it or create a new category to organize your courses better. Refer to Moodle’s documentation here: Course categories

5. Click ‘Save and display’ to finalize your course creation.  


Add Course Participants 

The Next step is for you to assign the people who will be part of the course i.e. the participants. 

Note: Before you do this, make sure those users are already part of your Moodle site as authenticated users. By default, Manager and Administrators have permissions to add users. Learn more here: Add a new user 

  1. Select Participants on your course screen. 
  2. Click the ‘Enroll Users’ button 

3. On the ‘Enrol users’ window, use the ‘Select users’ dropdown to add the user(s) that will be assigned the selected role. 

4. Next, select the role you want to assign from the ‘Assign role’ dropdown. In a Moodle course, a participant can only be assigned the following roles: 

  1. Manager: can modify the course and perform administrative tasks such as grade settings, user management. 
  2. Teacher: can manage content and grade in the course 
  3. Non-editing teacher: can only grade in the course 
  4. Student: can access and view content in the course 

5. Click ‘Show more’ to make more granular configuration. 

6. Click ‘Enrol users’ to save the enrolment options. 


7. Use the edit icon to reassign or change a user's role.  

8. You can also use the options in the “Status” column to view or configure additional information.  


Adding Content   

To incorporate VIDIZMO content into your course, you must set up the VIDIZMO LTI integration. For a guide, see Configuring LTI App for VIDIZMO Integration

  1. Log in as the enrolled participant that has the role or permission to modify the course. This can be either a ‘Teacher’ or ‘Manager.’ 

2. Navigate to the course screen and turn edit mode on.  

3. Click “More” and then select “LTI External Tools. 

4. Enable the LTI App you’ve configured during the VIDIZMO LTI integration. 



5. Under any section click “Add an activity or resource.” 

6. Select the LTI App with your Portal Name on the window that pops up. 


7. Click the “Select Content” button. 



8. Select the Portal content that you want to add to the course. You can utilize filters or search to make the content selection more refined.  


Note: If you encounter a 'Client Secret Expired' error during content selection, you must regenerate the 'Client Secret' on your Widget App. Refer to Widget App Configuration for the steps. 


9. Click the ‘Submit’ button when you are done with the selection. 


10. If you’ve selected multiple files, the next screen shows the content you have added. It also shows which activities are eligible for grading.

11. Click “Save and return to course” to continue. 

12. Back on the course screen, the VIDIZMO content you have added will be displayed on the respective section. 


Grading for Eligible Content 

You can create a grading criteria for the activities you’ve added to your course. You can also set up automatic grading for VIDIZMO Quizzes according to their configurations in the Portal.   

  1. Select "Edit Settings” from the menu of the activity.  

2. In the Grade section, select “Allow VIDIZMO to add grades in the gradebook” for automatic grading according to the criteria. If this option is unselected, this activity will need to be manually graded by the respective role. Refer to LMS Grading in understanding article.  

3. Select the grading method to be used for this activity.  

  1. If None is selected – then the activity will be graded according to the criteria of the content configured in your VIDIZMO Portal.
  2. If ‘Scale’ is selected, you can select from the default and custom scales present on your Moodle site. 
  3. If ‘Point’ is selected, you can select you can provide a numerical value. VIDIZMO LTI Apps provide a way for you to scale the grades for their quiz according to the value in the maximum grade field. Refer to LMS Grading for more. 

4. Next, choose the scale if 'Scale' is selected in the 'Type' field or specify the maximum grade value if 'Point' is selected.

5. Select a grade category if you want to or leave it at ‘Uncategorised.’ To learn more about this, click here. 
6. In the ‘Grade to pass’ field, provide the value needed to pass the activity. Ensure that the value is valid according to the selected ‘Scale’ or ‘Maximum grade’ value. 
7. Optional: You can set a completion condition for the activity that the students must fulfill. See Activity completion for more.
8. Click ‘Save and return to course’ to save all settings. 

Accessing VIDIZMO Content 

Participants in your course can utilize the content you have added as activities. Let us see how a Student can access and view the Portal content in the course.    

  1. As a Student, log into Moodle and open the course you are enrolled in. 


2. On the course screen, select any of the activities that utilize VIDIZMO content 

3. It will redirect you to a page where the Portal content added as an activity will begin playing in a VIDIZMO Widget.  

4. To complete the activity, you must fulfill its completion conditions. A completed activity can also identified by the green circle next to its name on the left pane.

Note: If you encounter issues with the size or dimensions of your content during playback, install LTI Message Handler plugin. 

5. Select ‘Grades’ on the course screen to view the grading reports of your activities. The visibility or availability of the grades depends on what settings your teacher or course manager has configured. For instance, the grades might not be visible to you after a certain date, or you can instantly know your grade once the completion condition is met. 

6. VIDIZMO supports automatic grading for Quizzes according to its settings. The gradebook shows the results obtained by the student. 

Note: As of now, grade analysis for VIDIZMO Quizzes is not available.

To learn more about LTI Integration in VIDIZMO, visit Understanding LMS Integration via LTI App in VIDIZMO.