
For Enterprise Video Content Management System, organizations thrive for a streamlined process of centralized communication with the wide base of their users. To enable this, organizations require an effective way of receiving alerts, prompts, notifications, and other updates regarding the application's use, as timely as possible. This is elemental in creating a responsive environment for everyone. To cater to this requirement VIDIZMO offers Email Templates functionality that enables users to manage automated emails.


In VIDIZMO, Email Templates define a standardized body of text to be sent to users to prompt them for various activities and their respective status. VIDIZMO offers limitless options to customize these Email Templates. If you are just getting started take a look at How to Configure Email Templates

If the default template options look good to you, there is nothing more to do. But if you want to customize the content or layout of those emails, you can alter any template. In this article, we provide more details about the tools available for configuring Email Templates.

Components of an Email Template

VIDIZMO allows you to customize Email Templates by inserting variables, filters, text, links, images, and/or buttons. 


Variables give Manager+ Portal users a degree of flexibility over the textual body of an email, by allowing them to add a set of values in the Email Template settings pane. In your VIDIZMO Account/Portal Email Templates, you can insert variables using a special syntax. Each variable is enclosed in curly brackets:

{{ Sender.FirstName }}

The most commonly used variables are personalization variables, which allow you to dynamically include information about your recipients, workflows, user roles, and so forth.

Template with VariablesPreview
Hi {{ Recipient.FirstName }} {{ Recipient.LastName }}, your email is {{ Recipient.EmailAddress }}Hi James Johnson, your email is [email protected]


VIDIZMO also provides you with the functionality of template filters which are used together with template variables to provide additional functionality. This includes accessing important links (password reset, comment moderation, etc), Configuration Keys, and Configurable Terms. In the example below, the ApplicationConfiguration filter will fetch your application name stored against VIDIZMOGlobalConfig key and displays it in the email as shown in the Preview.

Template FiltersPreview
Hi {{ Recipient.FirstName }},

Visit {{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationUrl'' }} to learn more.
Hi James,

Visit to learn more.

Variable Assignment

VIDIZMO also allows you to use Variable Assignment functionality using Tags. It helps authorized users to create and assign variables inside the email body and use them in the email body. The best part of using tags is, they help you avoid re-writing the same long piece of code more than once in an email template.

In the right part of the code below, the above filter has been used to fetch Your Application name from Configuration Keys.

In the left part of the code below a variable ApplicationUrl (it can be any name of your choice without gaps) has been created which has been used to store your Application name. Now, this variable (ApplicationUrl ) can be used at any place in the email template to display the Application URL. 

{%- assign ApplicationUrl= ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationUrl'' -%} 

Note: Please note that if you do not assign a variable using Tags, you may have to reuse the entire filter snippet every time you reuse it in an article. But if you assign a variable in the start of the email template, you can reuse the tag henceforth. An example of the latter is shown below.

{%- assign ApplicationUrl= ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationUrl'' -%} 

Email Body

Hi {{ Recipient.FirstName }},

Visit {{ApplicationUrl}} to 

Hi James,

Visit to learn more.

Click here to see the list of Filters and their equivalent Tags

Conditional Tags

Conditional tags allow you to conditionally include content in your email templates. They give you powerful controls for personalizing your email to each individual recipient.

Your {{ TermMashup }} {{ Mashup.Title }} has been {% if Mashup.Status == 'Published' %} Approved. {% elsif Mashup.Status == 'Rejected' %} Rejected. {% endif %}

In the email template above, the content uploaders (email recipient) will be shown "Approved" if their uploaded content is approved by the Moderator+ portal user. In case, content is rejected then they will be shown "Rejected", followed their media name. 

Variables applicable on each Email Template

Below is the list of email templates with their default and allowed variables (variables that can be used in Email Templates in order to customize them).

 Warning: Please note that certain variables that have not been assigned yet using tags as mentioned in the section above for Variable Assignment, will have to be assigned first, or will have to be used as filters. For e.g. {{TermMashup}} is not going to be applicable unless you assign the variable its value in the start of the email using {%- assign TermMashup = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' -%}. See the list of such filters in the last section here to ensure your variables are assigned before you can use them in your templates.

Email Template: FeedbackQuestion

This email will be generated when an authorized portal user asks a question regarding any content.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the email enquirer
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the email enquirer
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Title}} Content title on which question was asked
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the enquirer
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name 
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{Feedback.Comments}}Comment of the enquirer regarding content
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the question was asked 
{{IP}}IP address of the enquirer 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.DefaultViewingAccess}} Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the enquirer

Email Templates : EmailTemplateFeedbackIssue

This email will be generated when an authorized portal user reports issue(s) regarding any content.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the email issue reporter
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the email issue reporter
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Title}} Content title on which issue was reported
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the reporter
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name 
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{Feedback.Comments}}Comment of the reporter regarding content
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the issue was reported
{{IP}}IP address of the reporter
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the reporter

Email Templates: FeedbackAbusive

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator when someone reports contents.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the email reporter
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the email reporter 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Title}} Title of the reported content
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the reporter 
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name 
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{Feedback.Comments}}Comment of the reporter regarding content
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the content was reported
{{IP}}IP address of the reporter
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to 
{{Feedback.MashupInfo.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the enquirer

Email Templates : Downloading Allowed In Media

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content's Allow Downloading option has been changed by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Content title for which download option was updated
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the downloading option was updated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media/Collection Password Updated

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content's password has been updated by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Content title for which password was updated
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the password was updated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media/Collection Access Updated

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content's Access has been updated by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Content title for which media access was updated
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the media access was updated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media/Collection Updated

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content's basic information has been updated by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Content title for which basic information was updated
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the basic information was updated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media Reuploaded

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content has been reuploaded by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Content title for which reupload option was updated
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the reupload option was updated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{Mashup.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media Clipped

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content has been clipped by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the user who has clipped media
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the user who has clipped media 
{{Mashup.Title}}Title of the content clipped
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the user who has clipped media 
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the media was clipped
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the content belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the content (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{Mashup.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media Deleted

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged content has been deleted by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the user who has eradicated media
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the user who has eradicated media 
{{Mashup.Title}}Title of the content eradicated 
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the user who has eradicated media 
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the media was eradicated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the user who has eradicated media 

Email Templates : Media Added In Collection (Case)

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged evidence has been added to a case by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the modifier
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the modifier
{{Mashup.Title}}Media title which was added to the case
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the modifier
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when media was added to a case 
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the modifier
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the media uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the media uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the media belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the media (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Status}}Media status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the modifier

Email Templates : Media Downloaded

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged evidence has been downloaded by an authorized user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the user who has downloaded media
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the user who has downloaded media 
{{Mashup.Title}}Media title which was downloaded
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the user who has downloaded media 
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when media was downloaded
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the downloader

Email Templates: Media/Collection Viewed

This email notification will be sent to the subscriber(s) when flagged evidence has been watched/viewed.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the viewer
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the viewer 
{{Mashup.Title}}Media title which was viewed
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the viewer
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when media was viewed
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal Url
{{IP}}IP address of the viewer
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the media viewer
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}  Last name of the media viewer
{{Mashup.Category.Name}}Category to which the media belongs to
{{Mashup.DefaultViewingAccess}}Viewing access to the media (Anonymous, All Account and Portal Viewers)
{{Mashup.Content.ContentType}}Content-type (Audio, document, image, video, etc)
{{Mashup.Status}}Media status (Drafted, Published etc) 
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the viewer

Email Templates: ChannelCreate

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator when creating a new Portal by a confirmed user.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of portal adminsitrator
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when portal was created
{{IP}}IP Address from of the user who has created the portal
{{ChannelCreate.TenantProductPackage.Name}}Portal product package name e.g. Premium - Live with Chat and Interactivity

Email Templates: Billing Error

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator when an error occurred during processing the daily bill.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Tenant.TenantName }}Portal name
{{ Tenant | GetTenantUrl }}It is a Filter that returns Portal Url.
{{ Tenant.AdminEmailAddress }}Email address of the portal Administrator
{{ Tenant | GetTenantProperty : 'TenantProductPackage', 'Name' }}Portal product package name e.g. Premium - Live with Chat and Interactivity
 {{ Tenant | GetTenantProperty : 'TenantProductPackage', 'TenantProductPackageStatusId' }}It will return account status (Active/Inactive)
{{ BillingReports.BillingError}}It will return error details

Email Templates: BillingOverage

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator when an account has consumed more than allowed in the package.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Tenant.TenantName }}Portal name
{{ Tenant | GetTenantUrl }}It is a Filter that returns Portal Url.
{{ Tenant.AdminEmailAddress }}Email address of the portal Administrator
{{ Tenant | GetTenantProperty : 'TenantProductPackage', 'Name' }}Portal product package name e.g. Premium - Live with Chat and Interactivity
 {{ Tenant | GetTenantProperty : 'TenantProductPackage', 'TenantProductPackageStatusId' }}It will return account status (Active/Inactive)
{{ BillingReports.BillingDate}}It will return error details

Email Templates: AccountPaidConversion

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator after tenant account package updated

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Tenant.TenantName }}Portal name
{{ Tenant | GetTenantUrl }}It is a Filter that returns Portal Url.
{{ Sender.FirstName }}First name of the admin created that VIDIZMO account
{{ Sender.LastName}}Last name of the admin created that VIDIZMO account
{{ProductPackage.TenantProductPackage.ExpiryDate}}It will return the updated expiry date of the package
{{ProductPackage.TenantProductPackage.Price}}It will return the price of the package
{{ProductPackage.ProductPackageDetail.EncodingVolume}}It will return the allowed Encoding Volume in the package
{{ProductPackage.ProductPackageDetail.MaxNoOfChannels}}It will return the maximum number of portals that can be created
{{ProductPackage.ProductPackageDetail.NoOfActiveUsers}}It will return no of active users in the portal
{{ProductPackage.ProductPackageDetail.Storage}}It will display allowed storage for that account in GB


It will return the allowed streaming bandwidth

Email Templates: WorkflowSucceed

Email notification will be sent to the administrator when a workflow gets successful.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Workflow.Name }}Title of the workflow succeeded
{{ Workflow.Description }}Description of the workflow succeeded
{{ Tenant.TenantName }}It returns portal name
{{ Workflow.AddedDate }}Date when the workflow initiated
{{ Workflow.ModifiedDate }}Date when the workflow was updated
{{ Workflow.Percentage}}Completion percentage of the workflow
{{ Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress }}It is a Filter that returns user login page URL.
{{ Tenant.AdminEmailAddress }}It returns Email Address of the portal administrator
{{ Tenant.SubDomainUrl }}It returns porta Url

Email Templates: WorkflowFailed

Email notification will be sent to the administrator when a workflow gets failed in processing.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Workflow.Name }}Title of the workflow failed
{{ Workflow.Description }}Description of the workflow failed
{{ Tenant.TenantName }}It returns portal name
{{ Workflow.AddedDate }}Date when the workflow initiated
{{ Workflow.ModifiedDate }}Date when the workflow was updated
{{ Workflow.NextWorkflowActivity.Name }}
{{ Workflow.Percentage }}Completion percentage of the workflow
{{ Workflow.ErrorCount }}Number of errors encountered during workflow processing
{{ Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress }}It is a Filter that returns user login page URL.
{{ Tenant.AdminEmailAddress }}It returns Email Address of the portal administrator
{{ Tenant.SubDomainUrl }}It returns porta Url

Email Templates: MashupModerated

This Email notification will be sent to the contributor after content has been moderated.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}It will fetch alias for configurable term Mashup
{{Sender.FirstName}}Moderators first name
{{Sender.LastName}}Moderators last name
{{Mashup.Title}}Title of the content moderated
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of portal administrator

Email Templates: UserForgotPassword

This Email notification will be sent to the registered user with a temporary link to reset a password.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Tenant | GetLinkResetPassword : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will generate a password reset link for the email recipient  
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL

Email Templates: ConfirmationEmail

This Email notification will be sent to the registered user to complete the sign-up process.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Recipient.LastName}}Last name of the email recipient
{{Tenant | GetConfirmationLink : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will fetch an account confirmation link for the email recipient
{{Recipient.EmailAddress}}Email address of the recipient
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of the portal administrator

Email Templates: UserRequestedRole

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator(s) when a non-admin request administrative rights.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the email recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the role requester
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the role requester
{{Role.RoleName}}Role which was requested
{{Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will generate sign in URL for the recipient 
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the role was requested
{{IP}}IP address of the requester
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the requester

Email Templates: ReferToFriend

This Email notification will be sent to the user when a media is refereed to someone

{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the referrer
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the referrer
{{Sender.EmailAddress}}Email address of the referrer 
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}It will fetch alias for configurable term Mashup from your portal
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name from which content has been shared
{{Tenant | GetMediaLinkForRefer : Mashup.Id, Mashup.Type, Mashup.Name ,0,false}}This filter will return media link which was referred
{{Mashup.Description}}Description of the media shared
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of the portal administrator
{{Mashup.Author.FirstName}}First name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Author.LastName}}Last name of the content uploader
{{Mashup.Category.Title}}Category from which the shared content belongs to
{{Mashup.Status}}Content status (Drafted, Published etc)
{{UserAgent}}Browser information of the content sharer

Email Templates: UserRequestedtoJoin

This Email notification will be sent to the administrator about pending registration/request when a new user is joining a portal.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the receiver
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the requester
{{Sender.LastName}}Last name of the requester
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{UserAgent}}Requester Browser Information

Email Templates: UserEmailChanged

This Email notification will be sent to the newly added user for resending the confirmation link again.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the receiver
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal name 
{{Recipient.TentativeEmailAddress}}Email address of the user requested for the link  
{{Tenant | GetConfirmationLink : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will return a confirmation link for the requester
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of the portal adminis

Email Templates: ResetPasswordChange

This Email notification will be sent to the registered user when their password is reset.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the recipient
{{Recipient.LastName}}Last name of password recipient 


Email address of password recipient
{{SupplementaryInformation | GetValue : 'Password'}}It will return updated password
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of portal administrator

Email Templates: UserApproved

This Email notification will be sent to the registered user when a user request to join portal is approved.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the recipient
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Portal Name
{{Recipient.EmailAddress}}Email address of the recipient 
{{Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will generate signing in URL for the recipient
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}It will display alias for configurable term Mashup from thesaurus
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''MyMedia'' }}It will display alias for configurable term My Media from thesaurus
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of the portal administrator
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when user join request was approved

Email Templates: User Invited

This Email notification will be sent to the user informing the Portal access has been granted to the user

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the recipient
{{Sender.FirstName}}First name of the portal user who has granted the access
{{Tenant.TenantName}}Last name of the portal user who has granted the access 
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}It will display alias for configurable term Mashup from thesaurus
{{ Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress }}
This filter will generate a signing in URL for the recipient in case the recipient has already confirmed their email
{{ Tenant | GetRegistrationLink : Recipient.EmailAddress }}
This filter will generate a registration link for the recipient o
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of portal administrator
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when portal access was granted

Email Templates: Role Updated

This Email notification will be sent to the registered user when role of a user is updated.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the recipient
{{Recipient.LastName}}Last name of recipient 
{{ApplicationName}}Application name saved in the application configuration keys
{{Role.RoleName}}Role name assigned to the user
{{Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : Recipient.EmailAddress}}This filter will generate a signing in URL for the recipient
{{Tenant.SubDomainUrl}}Portal URL
{{Tenant.AdminEmailAddress}}Email address of the account administrator
{{EventDate}}Timestamp when the role was updated

Email Templates: Media Shared

This Email notification will be sent to the user when content is shared with someone using limited sharing.

{{Recipient.FirstName}}First name of the recipient (with whom media is shared)
{{ Sender.FirstName }}First name of the user who shared media
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}It will fetch alias for configurable term Mashup
{{ AccessRight.FromDate }}It will display FromDate when media is shared using Limited Sharing
{{ AccessRight.EndDate }}It will display EndDate when the media sharing license will be expired
{{AccessRight.MaxAllowedViews}}It will display the maximum number of allowed views for the shared content
{{AccessRight.LimitedDuration}}It will display the duration for which the content has been shared 
{{IP}}It will display the IP address of the user who has shared content
{{ AccessRight.Mashup | GetMediaLink: Tenant, AccessRights.Id, false }}This filter will generate content link. Clicking on it will take the authenticated user to the content playback page.

Available Filters

VIDIZMO filters are simple methods that can be used in Email Templates. These filters can be used to fetch allowed information securely from the database and return it at any place in the email template. Read further to learn more about these filters and their possible use.

1. GetConfigurableTerm

This filter can be used in Email Templates to fetch a list of all configurable terms from the database and return the value (Alias) of the provided Term. The code below can be used to fetch the Term Name.

{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm : ''TermName'' }}


In the code above TermName can be replaced with any configurable term (e.g. LearningPlan) of the portal and it will return the alias (Learning Plan).

2. GetApplicationConfig

VIDIZMO filters allow you to search and fetch configuration key values from Application Configurations using filters.

The code below can be used to fetch the Application Configuration keys.

{{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationName'' }}

Supported configuration key names: 

  1. ApplicationName 
  2. ApplicationURL 
  3. SupportEmail 
  4. SupportPhoneNumber


The filter code above can be used in any Email Template to fetch the Application Name. Replacing ApplicationName from any supported key name will fetch the corresponding value from the database. 

Note: If configuration key name does not match or key does not exist, this filter will return 'key not found'

3. GetSignInUrlEmail

Create and Return Sign-in URL using the user's Email Address.

{{ Tenant | GetSignInUrlEmail : EmailAddress }} 

4. GetSignInUrlId

Create and Return Sign-in URL using the user Profile Id of the sender or receiver.

{{ Tenant | GetSignInUrlId : Sender.Id/Recipient.Id}} 

5. GetConfirmationLink

Fetch Portal URL information and return email confirmation URL using email Address of the user. 

{{ Tenant | GetConfirmationLink :  EmailAddress }}

6. GetMediaLink

Fetch Portal URL information and return media URL.

{{ Mashup | GetMediaLink : Tenant , AccessRight.Id , true/false }} 

In the code above use True to create a hyperlink or False to only generate the URL string.

7. GetGetMediaLinkForRefer

This filter can be used to fetch shareable media link

{{ Tenant | GetPresentationLinkForRefer : Mashup.Id, Mashup.Type, Mashup.Name , AccessRightId , true/false }} 

In the code above use True to create a hyperlink or False to only generate the URL string.

8. GetMediaManagerReviewPageLink

This filter can be used to display moderation link for media in Email Templates. The link can take authenticated user to the drafts tab from where media can be approved or rejected.

{{ Tenant | GetMediaManagerReviewPageLink }}

9. GetCommentModerationUrl

This filter can be used to display the comment moderation URL in the Email Template. The link can take the authenticated user to the comment moderation screen.

{{ Tenant | GetCommentModerationUrl }} 

10. GetLinkResetPassword

This filter can be used to fetch the registered user account's password reset link.

{{ Tenant | GetLinkResetPassword : EmailAddress }}

11. GetTenantUrl

This filter can be used to fetch SSL certificate information and subdomain Portal URL and returns the full URL in the Email Template. The filter code is given below:

{{ Tenant | GetTenantUrl }}

Filter and Their Equivalent Tags

The table below shows the filters and their equivalent tags with their usage.

FilterEquivalent TagUsage
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Comment'' }}{%- assign TermComment = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Comment'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term Comment
{{ Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' }}{%- assign TermMashup = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashup'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term Mashup
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashups'' }}{%- assign TermMashups = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Mashups'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term Mashups
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''MyMedia'' }}{%- assign TermMyMedia = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''MyMedia'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term MyMedia
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Assigned'' }}{%- assign TermAssigned = Tenant  | GetConfigurableTerm:''Assigned'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term Assigned
{{  Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Presentation'' }}{%- assign TermPresentation = Tenant | GetConfigurableTerm:''Presentation'' -%}Display Alias for configurable term Presentation
{{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationName'' }}{%- assign ApplicationName = ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationName'' -%}Display value for configuration key ApplicationName
{{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationUrl'' }}{%- assign ApplicationUrl= ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''ApplicationUrl'' -%}Display value for configuration key ApplicationUrl
{{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''SupportEmail'' }}{%- assign ApplicationSupportEmail = ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''SupportEmail'' -%}Display value for configuration key SupportEmail
{{ ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''SupportPhoneNumber'' }}{%- assign ApplicationSupportPhoneNumber = ApplicationConfiguration | GetApplicationConfig:''SupportPhoneNumber'' -%}Display value for configuration key SupportPhoneNumber