
Any information that a business store digitally needs to be properly protected and the user pertains to that data must have control over it. From contact information for your staff and users to the financial information and payment details, data usage is protected by law in most parts of the world.

VIDIZMO implements the integral access management strategy with multiple permissions and settings including providing the capability to inquire the end-users to Log Reason for Access of any Evidence or Case. This way, a smooth monitoring process can be taken place within an organization where the Law enforcing agencies are aware and keeping a detailed record of which officer accessed what evidence or case and for what purpose. VIDIZMO provides its users the functionality of designing thAccess Form which is used for maintaining cookies, privacy policies, and logging access reasons.

Hence, a User Access Form can have two use-cases:

  • Consent
  • Reasoning

Before you start 

  • You need to have the link to the User Validation Form (shared below) since this functionality is only accessible through the link yet. 

Note: Click the link if you want to know more about  How to Define a Privacy Policy.  

Configuring User Access Form 

For designing the user validation form follow the steps below: 

1. From the Portal's Homepage: 

i. Click on the Navigation Menu on the top left of your screen. 

ii. Expand the Admin tab.  

iii Click on Portal Settings.

2. In the URL tab:  

i. Go to the address bar. 

ii. Update the URL as https:your-portal-url/portal-settings/manage-visitor-verification-policy

iii. Hit enter. 

iii. The validation form page will open as shown below. 

iv. Select the add button to open a new form.

3. Fill the form as per your requirements, the fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

i. Version: This field shows the version of your policy. When you configure a form for the first time it should be 1 and after every update, its version should be updated. 

Note: Every time the version has been updated, user consent would be taken again by displaying them the consent form on the portal. This is subject to Renew Consent check available in Portal Settings > Privacy Policy  where customer organizations choose whether or not to renew consent on the change of the consent form.

ii. Title: It will be reflected as the title of your validation form. 

iii. Message: In this field, you briefly define what user data we are tracking and why. So, the user can decide if he/she wants to click on the ‘Agree’ (it can be any text of your choice) button or select one of the access reasons to use the portal. 

iv. Submit Button: It’s one of the most important fields as it's a call to action to get the user’s consent or submission of access reason. 

v. Expires After: In this field, you define the number of times you want to take user consent or reason again. 

  1. Each Access: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed an unlimited number of times.
  2. Closure of Browser: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed once per session. 
  3. Day: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed once per day.
  4. Week: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed once per Week.
  5. Month: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed once per Month.
  6. Year: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed once per Year.
  7. Never: Modal/Slide-in footer is displayed only once and then never.

The expiry of Never is applicable to Portal Specific Events where as Mashup specific events are applicable to this based on browser cache. If the cache of the browser is cleared, the expiry of Never will not be applicable to Mashup Events. Moreover, for an Anonymous User, the expiry is always Closure of Browser to the maximum. 

vi. Redirect URL: It’s the URL where you want to take the user in case of failed authentication of user consent. 

Note: This Redirect URL works only for scenarios where validation is applied in the fields.

vii. Visible only to the logged-in Users: As the name suggests, checking this field will only show the validation form to the logged in users. It helps you decide if you want to show the privacy policy changes to your all users or only to the logged in users. 

Info: All Users include Logged In, Logged Out and Anonymous Users.

viii. Mode: This drop-down lets you select the position and type of user consent form. There are two options in this: 

a. Select  ‘SlideInFooter’ if you want to display the consent form at the bottom of your portal page. This also allows the user to use the site without accepting the terms and conditions but the consent form will remain open throughout the session. 

b. Select ‘Modal’ if you only want to allow users to see your portal content and use the portal if he/she agrees to the terms and conditions. This will display the user consent agreement form in the center of the portal page. 

ix. VIDIZMO Events: These are the events and actions you can select from for which you want to display prompts or slider:

  1. Audio Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever an audio is played back by a User.
  2. Video Viewed:  You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a video is played back by a User. 
  3. Image Viewed:  You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever an image is viewed by a User.
  4. Document Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a document is viewed by a User.
  5. Live Webcast Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a Live Stream is played back by a User. This is an Enterprisetube specific event. 
  6. Playlist Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a playlist is opened by a User. This is an Enterprisetube specific event. 
  7. Case/Collection Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a case/collection is opened by a User. 
  8. Quiz Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a quiz is viewed by a User. This is an Enterprisetube specific event. 
  9. Survey Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a survey is viewed by a User. This is an Enterprisetube specific event.
  10. Case/Collection Item Viewed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a content within a case/collection is viewed by a User.
  11. Video Downloaded: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a video is downloaded.
  12. Image Downloaded: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever an image is downloaded.
  13. Audio Downloaded: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever an audio is downloaded.
  14. Document Downloaded: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a document is downloaded.
  15. Portal Accessed: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a User lands on the Channel/Portal. 
  16. User Logged In: You can display a modal/slide-in footer whenever a User log in to the Account/Portal.

Info: In VIDIZMO, a content on the Portal's homepage or media library is considered a mashup but a content inside a collection/case is considered a collection item. 

Note: Where only Case Item Viewed event was selected and the other Viewed events were not selected, if a user accessed/viewed the same evidence from homepage, no modal will pop-up. To make sure a user is displayed a modal/slide-in footer for both the locations of Evidences(within a case or from homepage), select all VIDIZMO format Viewed(Image, Document, Video and Audio Viewed)events along with Case Item Viewed.

x. Show separate Validation form for each event: Select this checkbox if you want to display a new modal or slide-in footer separately for each event selected from VIDIZMO Events.

xi. Control JSON

Below are examples of 2 control JSON Codes for designing a user validation form. 

1. Where we want to limit access to the portal to only a specific audience in order to comply with legal obligations.  

This code can be modified and used as per your requirements. Below mentioned  is designed to allow users in the age bracket of 18 and 36. The users will enter their age in the age field and on the basis of the given age, either user would be allowed to visit the portal or not. In each case, an appropriate information message would also be displayed to the user. For example, if a user enters his age below 18 he will receive an information message as, "Your drinking age is not legal."

      "minDateErrorMsg":"You're too old to drink",
      "maxDateErrorMsg":"Your drinking age is not legal.",
      "label":"Date of birth",
      "placeholder":"Provide your age here",

2. Where we want to limit access unless the reason is provided by the User we can utilize this JSON. 

One drop-down is configured to give customized reasons. In the value field of options, reasons can be customized according to the requirement of the customer. The number of reasons can also be edited by adding more labels and respective values or by removing them if not needed.

An additional textbox field is also provided to give an explanation of the reason chosen if the user wants to.

Lastly, the required key which is set true makes it mandatory for the User to provide input and enable the submit button.

            "label":"Reason 1",
            "value":"Reason 1"
            "label":"Reason 2",
            "value":"Reason 2"
      "label":"Access Explanation",
      "placeholder":"Access Explanation",

xii. Update: Click on the update button once you are done with the necessary changes.

Note: Anonymous Access is not applicable for Digital Evidence Management Product