To ensure the security of the portal, VIDIZMO offers a new feature called "Whitelisted Email Domains." This feature allows administrators to limit the users who can sign up for their portal to those who have email addresses from a pre-approved list of domains. This means that only users with email addresses from the approved domains can create an account on the portal. To learn more about Whitelisted Email Domains, see:  Understanding Whitelisted Email Domains

Follow the steps below to see how you can restrict/allow email of a specific domain on your Portal.


Administrators and Managers can add Trusted Domains to allow/restrict playback on specific domains. 

From the Portal's Homepage
    1. Click on the menu icon on the top left-hand corner of the screen to bring up the left navigation pane.
    2. Then click on the down arrow to expand the admin section.
    3. Select the Control Panel to open the navigation pane.

From the Control Panel navigation pane:

1. From the Control Panel navigation pane, expand the Security tab.

2. Select Whitelisted Email Domains.

3. Next, select the Whitelisting policy type - Allow all/Allow all, except/Allow only - by checking the corresponding checkbox.

4. Add the domains that you want to allow or restrict by typing them in the provided field.

5. To add a new domain, click on the "Add to List" button.

6. If you want to show a customized message to users who are attempting to sign up from a restricted domain, click the checkbox to enable this feature.

7. If you want to allow Admin/Manager users to bypass this policy, click the checkbox to enable this feature.

8. If you want to show a list of whitelisted domains on the sign-up page, click the checkbox to enable this feature.

9. Review the list of domains to allow or restrict.

10. Click on the "Update" button to enable this security policy.

These steps will help you configure email domain whitelisting policies on the VIDIZMO platform. By using this feature, you can control access to your platform, ensuring that only authorized users are able to access your content.

Once you have added the domain to the whitelisting policy on VIDIZMO, the added domain will be listed under the Domain's section. Follow these steps to complete the process:

    a. Verify that the domain has been added successfully by reviewing the list of domains under the Domain's section.

    b. Once you have confirmed that the domain has been added, click on the "Update" button to save the changes.

A notification will be displayed on the screen stating that "Portal details have been updated successfully". This confirms that your whitelisting policy has been configured and the added domain is now allowed or restricted based on your policy type.


Steps to Edit or Delete an Added Domain

To edit a domain on the whitelisting policy in VIDIZMO, follow these steps:

a. Select the Edit icon next to the domain you want to modify.

b. Edit the URL for the domain by entering the updated URL in the text input field or replace it with another URL.

c. Once you have made the necessary changes, click on the Check icon to save the modifications.

d. After saving the changes, click on the "Update" button to proceed.

e. A notification will be displayed on the screen stating that "Portal details have been updated successfully", confirming that your whitelisting policy has been updated and the changes have been saved.

For deleting an added Domain:
a. Click on the Delete icon.

b. Next, click on the Update button to save changes.  

A notification will be displayed stating: Portal details have been updated successfully.

Custom Message:
To show Custom message to users while sign up, check on show custom message.

If an invalid email address is entered on the sign-up page, the following message will be displayed:

"We're sorry, but the email address you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid email address to continue."

Please ensure that the email address you enter is valid and correctly formatted to successfully sign up for the portal. If you continue to experience issues, please contact the administrator for assistance.

Whitelisted Domain List on Sign up Page: 

To display a list of authorized domains on the sign-up screen, simply check the corresponding box. This will allow users to easily identify which email domains are authorized for portal access.

Once checked, the list of authorized domains will be displayed on the sign-up screen alongside the sign-up form. This helps to ensure that users only use authorized email addresses to sign up, and helps to prevent unauthorized access to the portal.

Roles and Permissions

  • Administrators and Managers can add Whitelist Email Domains to allow/restrict sign upon specific domains.

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