
Large-scale enterprises contain a collection of video content that needs to be divided into categories for better organization of the content. To solve this problem, VIDIZMO offers its customers to have distinct categories and sub-categories within a portal for content to be maintained and searched easily.

A category can also be divided into subcategories which play a significant role in classifying the content into more granular form. Users can easily search and sort the content in Subcategories. For more details, check out the article. To learn more about it, read Understanding Categories

Here we shall be looking at categoryInfo Object in detail to understand the various properties it contains in VIDIZMO REST API Reference.

categoryInfo Object

  "id": <number>, //This is a number that uniquely identifies the category
  "parentCategoryId": <number>, //This is the ID of the parent category of this category (if any)
  "name": <string>, // This is the title of the Category
  "description": <string>, //This is the description of the Category
  "categoryDetail": { 
    "thumbnailImageUrl": <string>, //URL of the thumbnail uploaded for branding Category
    "bannerImageUrl": <string>,  //URL of the banner uploaded for branding Category Homepage
    "htmlBannerRef": <string>,  //Contains name of the HTML template for Category that is used to show HTML on Category homepage
    "backgroundImageUrl": <string>,  //URL of the background image uploaded for branding Category Homepage
    "customCSS": <string> // Custom CSS code added under Category branding for custom designing
  "isFeatured": <boolean>, //defines whether a Category has been marked as Featured in a Portal
  "weight": <number>,  //defines the rank of the Category in Featured Categories
  "isDrafted": <boolean>  //defines whether a Category has been hidden from Portal Homepage and Library

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