
Even with the evolution of multiple content management systems as well as rigorous access control mechanisms, the pain to segregate content with its own distinguishable presence within the portal still seems to be unaddressed. While traditional systems may have aggressive settings to control who can access a particular media specifically, there lacks the ability to group content into separate logical entities/departments or categories, which can be structured and designed to create a meaningful experience aligned with their vision.


VIDIZMO’s Enterprise Video Content Management system works on various levels of content segregation to better classify your content.

Structural Hierarchy in VIDIZMO 

To fully comprehend the structure of your VIDIZMO solution, let's look at its structural hierarchy:



  • Account: The Account in VIDIZMO is the centralized portal for managing administrative level controls such as setting up other sub-portals, populating relevant organization's details, 

  • Portal: A Portal in VIDIZMO is an autonomous entity within the parent Account portal that is created to have advanced segregation of content as well as users on the VIDIZMO Platform. The Portal branding can be changed to give it a distinguishable look and feel. For more details, check out the article: Understanding VIDIZMO Account & Portal

  • Category: Large-scale enterprises contain a collection of video content that needs to be divided into categories for better organization of the content. To solve this problem, VIDIZMO offers its customers to have distinct categories and sub-categories within a portal for content to be maintained and searched easily.

  • Subcategory: Subcategories play a significant role in classifying the content into more granular form. Users can easily search and sort the content in Subcategories. For more details, check out the article: How to Manage Categories

Category Branding

Every enterprise department wants to be recognized with a distinctive look to make the user interaction friendly and attractive. Enterprises deal with a large amount of content that needs to be segregated, organized, and classified, for their employees, customers, or users. With VIDIZMO, Enterprises can brand their Portal as well as category homepage to attract users with the company’s aesthetics. 

To learn more about it, see: How to brand a Category.

For VIDIZMO, user satisfaction is everything. VIDIZMO provides branding features to organizations and businesses to develop users’ association and familiarity with the product. VIDIZMO allows its users to brand the categories and its sub-categories by uploading a background image, banner of the company or by applying custom branding to your category homepage. This will give users a branded look of the company so that they can connect usefully with the company’s objectives. 

Category Access Rights

In VIDIZMO, users can apply access rights to a specific category. This is made simple by setting permissions at the primary category level, which then extends those same permissions to all subcategories and their content. This allows for precise access management at the category level, which is similar to having individual keys for each category, ensuring both organization and security. The system provides enhanced control over permissions, making it easier to manage and secure access to content.

For further information, please consult the article: Unveiling the Dynamics of Category Access Rights in VIDIZMO

Default Category 

Users with the Manager+ role possess the capability to establish a default category. Upon uploading content to the portal, the default category automatically appears preselected in the category field, streamlining the categorization process for users. It's essential that when configuring the default category, Manager+ roles grant permission for users to upload media into this designated category. This ensures that content can be seamlessly added to the default category by authorized users.

The primary use case revolves around individuals with restricted access, specifically those with roles like Viewer+ or Contributor+. In this scenario, the default category acts as the designated location for playlists or collections created by these users. It facilitates the process by automatically assigning the default category when content is uploaded, simplifying categorization for users with limited privileges.

Note: If a user wants to see categories on their homepage, they can do so by navigating to Portal Settings >> Home Page >> Featured Categories. To learn more about it, read How to Feature a Category on Homepage