An attribute is a property or characteristic. VIDIZMO by default has certain attributes that are associated with media on the platform. However, users can also customize attributes to improve search visibility and metadata. For instance, in large organizations, there are multiple departments that store content in bulk. At times, this content needs to be segregated and categorized by assigning an attribute to it. This helps in easy retrieval, indexing, and searches.
Custom attributes can be marked as mandatory for all the content available in media management or can be specified to audio, documents, images, presentation, quiz, surveys, and videos. Additionally, these attributes help enhance search and appear as filters when searching for media.
I. From the Portal's Homepage,
- Click on the menu icon on the top left-hand corner of the screen to bring up the left navigation pane.
- Then click on the down arrow to expand the Admin section.
- Select the Portal Settings tab.
Add Custom Attribute
I. From the Portal Settings:
- Click on the Library tab to expand the list of operations that can be performed.
- Then select the Custom Attributes tab.
- To add a new attribute, click on the Add Attribute button on the top right-hand corner.
II. The Add Attribute popup window loads to allow you to add various types of custom fields.
1. Enter an appropriate name for your custom attribute.
2. Select the field type as Text, Dropdown, or Date:
- A Text field is a basic text control that enables the user to type a small amount of text.
- The Dropdown field provides users a number of choices to select from. For each choice, enter a comma-separated value to appear as the dropdown list.
- Similarly, when adding a Date field, calendars appear to allow From & To dates to be selected.
3. Check this box to make your field Mandatory. It means that users cannot move forward without filling out this Custom Attribute field.
4. Selecting the “Display with Media to enhance search function” checkbox will have this field displayed with your videos and enhance the search function. This option will display your content with other videos.
5. The “Choose if you want to search media in the Portal using this custom attribute” checkbox will allow you to search for your content using your Custom Attribute. When you search with Custom Attribute name, you'll be able to explore easily.
6. The “Choose if you want to include this custom attribute in your faceted search” checkbox will allow your Custom Attribute to be shown in your faceted search. It allows users to narrow down search results by applying filters based on faceted classifications of the content.
7. The Media Types sections allows you to select the media type where your custom attribute will be listed. You can select the all option to auto-select all the media types or selectively choose from the ones listed.
8. Click on the Save Changes button to save your changes. Make sure to save your changes before clicking on the Close button, otherwise, the window will close without saving the information.
III. To view the custom attributes, navigate to the Media Manager and select any media, then select the Custom Attributes tab in Media Settings (in the screenshot below, Instructor Name is a custom attribute).
IV. These attributes are also visible when searching for media from the Media Manager.
- Use the down arrow next to Filter By to view the list of available filters. Among the available filters, the custom attributes will also be listed to help further filter the search results.
- Click the down arrow next to the attribute to list the filter options available for each (with the number of videos available for each option visible in the bracket beside them). Click on the checkbox for the option you wish view videos for.
Edit Custom Attribute
To edit, hover over the attribute to display the edit, delete and re-arrange icons, then click on the Edit (pen) icon to open the attribute in edit mode:
- Clicking on the Edit icon opens the attribute in edit mode. Make changes to the attribute as required. For example, you can edit Attribute’s Name.
- When done, click save changes and close the window using the buttons below. A brief message will be displayed on the top right-hand corner of the screen informing the user about the successful operation.
Delete Custom Attribute
I. To delete an attribute:
1. Bring up the action icons by hovering over the attribute to be deleted. In the example below, the custom attribute Author Name is being deleted.
2. Click on the Delete to delete the custom attribute.
II. The Custom Attribute named Video Type gets deleted.
Contributions were made by Mustafa Zulfiqar & Sidra Jabeen.