
The App Activity Logs page in a VIDIZMO Portal contains all the information regarding the executions or activities performed by the Export applications. VIDIZMO users can view the App Activity Logs to gain insight into the details of these activities, such as when they began, who initiated them, their progress, and which export app is executing them.

By tracking this information, Administrators or Managers can stay informed of all export activities on their Portal. Monitoring these activities not only helps them diagnose export-related issues but also gives them the opportunity to analyze the usage patterns of export apps.


Whenever an export activity is performed on the VIDIZMO Portal, the system generates a log for that activity and adds it to the activity logs page. Each log created on the activity logs page represents the export activity performed on a single specific portal content. For example, if three videos are undergoing export activity, then three logs will be created on the activity logs page. Each of these three logs provides the export activity status for the three videos individually.


In addition, the way the export activity is carried out on the Portal content influences how the logs are generated on the activity logs page.

Logging of Automatic Export Activities

In the case of automatic processing, the logs or entries created in the app activity logs correspond to the Portal content that meets the export criteria set in the AWS Export app.

When an export app with automatic processing is enabled after the user finishes configurations, the VIDIZMO system will create logs on the App Activity logs page according to the export-eligible content queued for or undergoing an export activity. If there is multiple content, then the logs are added in bulk.

Note: The "System" text under the User column indicates the logs created by the automatic export activity. 

Logging of On-Demand Export Activities 


In manual export, the logs are created according to the content the user has selected for the export activity. When a user manually queues a single Portal content for an export activity, a log for that content is generated on the App Activity Logs page. If the user chooses to perform bulk export activity on multiple Portal content, the logs are instantly generated for each content that the user has selected for export.

Cases with On-Demand Export

If a user performs a manual or on-demand export on content that has already gone through an export activity, the system will create a log for this activity. The system creates a log on the activity logs page every time the export command or activity is initiated. This means that performing a manual export multiple times on the same file will generate multiple entries in the activity logs.

This functionality is in place to log the export details of Portal content that obtained new content files after being processed by another activity.


When a user performs a manual export on a video that has four content files, a log for this export activity is created on the App Activity Logs, and it indicates that all four content files have been exported.


The video then undergoes a processing activity, which generates two additional content files. If the user performs a manual export on this video again, a new log is created on the activity logs page, indicating that six content files have been exported.

Suppose the user exports the video manually again (with no new content files being generated). In that case, a log like the last one is created, showing that six content files were exported.

Explaining App Activity Log Columns

The app activity logs page uses the following columns to display information about all export activities carried out on the Portal.

    1. Title


The title column displays the name of the Portal content that underwent export activity. The column also displays a tag next to the name indicating which application was used to carry out the export activity.

For instance, if a video named "ABC.mp4" was exported by an app called "AWS Export App," then the "AWS Export App" tag will appear next to "ABC" on the log under Title for this export activity.

    2. Date and Time


The Date and Time column denotes when the export activity was initiated on the Portal content. The information provided under date and time shows when this specific log was added to the activity logs page.  If multiple contents are queued for the export activity, then the logs created for each of them have the same date and time.

    3. User


The user column includes the names of users who have manually initiated the export activity using an export application. For logs created by automatic export activities, the user is listed as "System."

    4. Details


The Details column provides information regarding the status and progress of the export activity on specific Portal content. A tag indicates the status of the export activity; it can have the following states:


Processing: indicates that the export activity is currently in progress.

Completed: indicates that the export activity is completed.

Failed: indicates that the export activity could not be completed.

Content not Found: indicates that the export activity could not be completed because the Portal Content could not be found or accessed while the Export Activity was initialized.


The details show the progress of an export activity via the total content files the export app has analyzed for export and which of them have been exported. The format of this progress is as follows:

Number of Content Files Exported / Total Number of Content Files to be Exported

Note: The total number of content files is determined by the "Content Files" selected in the Export App's configuration.

The logs with the "Failed" status are labeled with "Error Details." The user can click this text to open a window providing information regarding what errors occurred and which files could not be exported.

Searching the Logs

Lastly, the search options on the App Activity Logs page can be used to filter or display the logs that a user wants explicitly. They can either use the search bar to perform a simple search or use the advanced search option to create a search criterion that meets their preferences. To learn how these advanced options function, refer to Export Details in the App Activity Logs.


The App Activity Logs page in a VIDIZMO Portal contains a record of all the export activities carried out through the configured applications. These logs are generated for every mashup processed either automatically or manually using any application classified as an Export App. Each entry or "log" on the activity logs page provides details about the export activity performed on a single specific Portal content. The details include the activity's status, progress, time, and username. Lastly, the search options allow users to find or filter specific logs easily. They can also use the advanced search options to create more defined search criteria to get the activity logs they require.