
Multilanguage Audio Transcription empowers users to transcribe audio in various languages, streamlining and enhancing the transcription process. Users will gain enhanced control and flexibility in selecting language preferences for transcription tasks, leading to accurate and tailored results. Additionally, automated language detection functionality within media files and precise transcription accuracy, particularly in scenarios involving language switching among speakers during conversations or when multiple participants utilize different languages.  

To learn more about refer to our document “Multi-Language Audio Transcription in VIDIZMO.” 


  • Ensure that you have administrative or manager access to your VIDIZMO Portal. 
  • Confirm that your subscription package includes the redaction feature. 
  • Verify that the AWS Video Indexer is properly configured and enabled in your VIDIZMO Portal. 
  • Ensure that the Storage Provider in VIDIZMO is configured to use AWS for storage. 

Automatic Processing  

To automatically generate multi-language audio transcriptions for your media files upon upload to the portal, enable automatic processing in the AWS indexer. Once a media file is uploaded, the system will initiate processing to generate the transcript. 

Please refer to our documentation for detailed instructions. “How to Configure AWS Indexer App.”


On-Demand Processing 

Here are the steps to begin on-demand processing for the media file on which you want to apply the Multi-Language Audio Transcription feature:

1. Go to the desired media file that you want to process. Access the overflow menu located on the media file. 

2. Opt for the process option from the available list of options.

3. Select Generate AI insights to access the available options. 

4. In the Language Mode section, you can select "Specific Language" to manually choose the language you are sure of, or "Auto Detect" to allow the system to determine the main language spoken. Additionally, "Auto Detect Multiple Languages" can be activated if your media file includes several languages. 

5. Select the language(s) for improved transcription accuracy. You can manually choose at least two dominant languages or leave it empty if unsure. Note that in Specific Language mode, only one language can be selected. 

6. Choose AI insights and then select Transcriptions to enable transcription generation.

7. Click the Start button to initiate the processing once all desired configurations have been set. 


 On the playback page you can view the transcription.