
Introducing the Archival Policy in VIDIZMO necessitated developing an alternative approach to prevent content from being archived. To address this requirement, VIDIZMO introduces the Lock functionality. This powerful feature empowers users to temporarily Lock their content, effectively obstructing any attempts to archive it. 

This documentation provides an overview of how Lock works in VIDIZMO, its benefits, and guidance on leveraging this feature to maintain control over valuable content and protect it from unintended archival actions. 

Overview of Lock Functionality

The Lock feature in VIDIZMO is for users who seek to retain control over their content and prevent inadvertent archival processes. By applying the Lock, users can ensure the preservation of their content and keep it safe from archiving actions. This functionality is available for every media file within the VIDIZMO platform, allowing users to exercise granular control over their content.

Benefits of Using Lock In VIDIZMO  

VIDIZMO's Lock functionality assures users that their valuable content is protected from unintended archival actions. With VIDIZMO, you can seamlessly lock individual or multiple media files simultaneously.VIDIZMO supports archiving of various types of media files, and users have the flexibility to define their own archive policies. In addition to automatic archiving based on policy criteria, users can also manually archive content.

When it comes to archiving, VIDIZMO ensures that content is not archived inadvertently. In VIDIZMO, If a media file meets the specific criteria defined in an archival policy, it may be automatically archived, regardless of user preference. 

Alternatively, you can manually select individual media files and choose to archive them by clicking the "Archive" option in the overflow menu. However, users have the option to prevent archiving by locking specific media files. 

Locked content within VIDIZMO cannot be archived, but users retain the ability to delete it. Therefore, if archiving is desired for a particular content within the portal, it must first be unlocked. Users can conveniently Lock content from the overflow menu available in any portal interface.


To Lock or Unlock media files in VIDIZMO, you need to have administrative or manager-level access to the portal.

How to Apply Lock 

Applying the Lock feature is a straightforward process within the VIDIZMO platform. Users can easily select the desired media files and enable the Lock feature, ensuring that these files remain protected from archiving.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to apply the Lock in the VIDIZMO Portal.

  1. Click on the Navigation Menu icon at the portal's top left corner.
  2. Navigate to the Media Manager and Select the "Media Manager" option.

Note: If you are using the DEMS (Digital Evidence Management System) product, you can locate media files in the Evidence Library.


  1. Locate the media file you wish to Lock and click on the overflow menu associated with that specific file.
  2. From the options displayed in the overflow menu, choose the "Lock" option to initiate the locking process for the selected media file.
  3. A lock sign is displayed when a media file is locked, visually indicating its locked status.

How to Unlock Media Files

To unlock a media file, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the desired locked media file and click on the overflow menu associated with that specific media file. 
  2. Within the overflow menu, select the Unlock option to initiate the unlocking process for the selected media file. This option is available only within the Locked media files.

As a result of unlocking, the lock sign associated with the media file will disappear, providing a visual indication that the file is now unlocked. By following these steps, users can unlock media files and revert the lock action.

To gain a better understanding and access more information, please refer to the Archive Policy guide.