
VIDIZMO offers the flexibility to allow enterprises to customize the way specific terms appear on their Portals by using the Thesaurus feature. This feature simplifies the task of adding or replacing the terms appearing in the menu, headings, or labels across the entire Portal from a single interface.

Note: Some terms are already defined in the Portal by default, which cannot be removed and can only be edited. All Manager+ roles with appropriate permissions can add, edit or remove user-defined configurable terms from Thesaurus.

Here's how you can add a new configurable term:


I. From the Portal's Homepage, log in using Administrator or Manager credentials.

1. Click on the Menu icon on the top left-hand corner of the screen to bring up the left navigation pane.

2. Then click on the down arrow to expand the Admin section.

3. Select the Portal Settings option.

Add a Configurable Term

I. From the Portal Settings navigation pane:

1. Click on Branding to expand the list of operations that can be performed.

2. Select Thesaurus. This section lists words with the same or nearly the same meanings that used in the Portal.

3. Click the Add New button to add a new configurable term.

4. Enter a New Name of the Configurable term.

5. Next, enter Alias - an alternative and usually easier-to-understand term to be used as the replacement term.

6. Click the Add Button to add a new configurable term to the Thesaurus list.

II. A notification will be displayed briefly stating: Configurable Term added successfully.

Edit Configurable Term

I.  Select the desired Configurable Term from the Thesaurus.

1.  Click on the Edit Icon.

2. Edit the Name of a selected Configurable term.

3. Next, edit the Alias.

4. Click on the Update button to proceed.

Note: If a term consists of many characters, it will distort the user interface. Moreover, special characters such # {} are not allowed.

II. A notification will be displayed stating: Configurable Term Updated Successfully.

Delete Configurable Term

I. Select the desired Configurable Term from the Thesaurus list. 

1. Click on the Delete icon.

2. A popup appears; click on the Delete button to proceed. Once clicked, your Configurable Term no longer appears on the list and will be deleted successfully.

Contributions were made by Sidra Jabeen & Sarah Hussain.

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 How to Manage a Category