
VIDIZMO Audio Indexer allows you to generate AI Insights on your audio and video files. The Indexer has options for automatically detecting the spoken language in your files, or you can specify the languages that you want to transcribe or perform the translation into. If you want to know which languages are supported, refer to Understanding Transcriptions and Translations Generation via VIDIZMO Audio Indexer.


  • You need to have a Manager+ user role to be able to go into your Portal's settings and configure or enable the Audio Indexer. 


Navigating to Application

    1. Click the menu icon on the top left.

    2. Click the Admin tab.

    3. Click 'Portal Settings'

    4. In Portal Settings, click Apps.

    5. Select Content Processing to view all available processing applications. You will find the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer App here.

    6. Click the gear icon of the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer App to begin its configuration.


Configuring the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer Application 

    1. Add "Transcription/CC" or "Translation" to the Insights field to generate them for your content. You can also add additional AI Insights to generate them along with the transcriptions or translations. 

    2. Select the Media formats or content types you want to generate the Insights for. 

    3. Specify the languages that will be transcribed by the Audio Indexer. Selecting Auto-Detect enables the application to automatically detect the spoken language in your audio or video file. To find out which languages are supported by the indexer, click here

    4. Specify the languages that will be translated by the Audio Indexer. As of now, only English is available as a Translation language. 

    5. Enable or disable automatic processing for the Audio Indexer application.   

    6. Finalize your configuration by clicking the "Save Changes" button.   

    7. Click the "Reset" button to restore all fields to their default values. 

    8. Enable the application to generate transcriptions based on the configured settings. Visit How to Generate Transcriptions and Translations using VIDIZMO Audio Indexer to see how the output is generated.

Note: If the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer has Transcription selected as an Insights, then the AWS Indexer App or Azure Video Analyzer ARM can't be used for generating transcriptions. Similarly, you can't add Transcription as an Insight to the VIDIZMO Audio Indexer if the AWS Indexer App or Azure Video Analyzer ARM are already configured for generating Transcriptions.