
In today's fast-paced world, time is a valuable commodity that cannot be wasted. Uploading large quantities of data can be a daunting task that can take up a significant amount of time, especially when the data includes multimedia files, such as videos, images, and audio recordings or entire content of the disk drive, which require significant storage space.

VIDIZMO's latest feature addresses the challenge of managing and sharing large files efficiently in today's digital age where the volume of data generated is increasing at an unprecedented rate. With the ability to upload compressed files in its DEM product package, users can store and manage large amounts of data with ease, without worrying about storage limitations or slow upload times. This new feature saves valuable storage space, improves upload, and download speeds, and enhances collaboration and productivity. Overall, this new feature is a valuable addition to VIDIZMO's suite of video management solutions, and it highlights the company's commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions to its customers. It is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their workflow and simplify the process of managing large amounts of data. It saves time, enhances efficiency, and allows users to easily access the files they need.

Before You Start

  • Contributor+ roles have permission to upload media.

How to Upload Compressed Archive File

Step I

  1. Click on +New dropdown.
  2. Select Upload Evidence 
  3. Select your files that you want to upload and click on the Open button
  4. Your files will be successfully Published and can be accessed from Evidence Library.

Note: Currently, only .ZIP file types are supported in DEM product Package. Other file formats will be uploaded as Miscellaneous file Type. 
During a file upload, there may be instances when the browser fails to respond and must be refreshed, or the internet connection is terribly slow and drops and reconnects frequently. In such a scenario, the system will resume uploading from the point where the upload was disrupted rather than starting all over again.

How to Preview Compressed Archive File

Step II

  1. Click on the Uploaded File
  2. You will be directed to Compressed Archive Preview Page.
  3. Here you will be able to navigate through the ZIP file from Tree Hierarchy
  4. You can search files within compressed file.
  5. You can also apply filters.

How to Extract Compressed Archive File

Step III

  1. Click on extract button if you want to extract full file.
  2. You can also select only the files or folders that you want to extract.
  3. Click on Extract button. the count of selected items will be displayed with the extract button
  4. By default, the path will be selected at which your source zip file is located.
  5. You can also change the location and select any existing case or folder or create a new one.
  6. You can also select the overwrite mode incase file already exists at the selected path.
  7. Click on extract button.
  8. A workflow will be initiated to extract the selected items.
  9. You can also track you workflow from workflow pane on left side by clicking the workflow icon.

How to View Extracted Files & Folders

Step IV

  1. Go to the path at which you extracted the selected items
  2. You’ll see a folder is created with the name of the compressed file.
  3. After Extraction, folder hierarchy will be maintained.
  4. For Miscellaneous file types that cannot be played back within the platform, you can still organize, store, and manage them efficiently.
  5. For Miscellaneous files, downloading option will be allowed by default.


Understanding Compressed Archive

How to Upload Media

Understanding Folders in DEMS 

How to Create & Manage Folders in DEMS