Since the past decade, communication has advanced over leaps and bounds. This has made organizations more concerned about how they communicate their brand identity with their target customers, and the level of interactivity that their chosen medium offers. While VIDIZMO's Live Streaming capabilities are enough to ease the corporate pain for seamless internal/external communication, its enhanced Live Chat and Q/A features have enriched value for the customers.

Live chat feature in VIDIZMO allows viewers to interact with each other and the session hosts during the Live webcast. This allows participants to ask questions during the Live Webcast and receive responses from others who are actively engaged during the Live webcast. Viewers are only able to see their own messages and responses to those messages, and it does not allow them to engage with other participants. Also, VIDIZMO allows you to block or unblock users as needed from using Live Chat for sending messages. To learn more about VIDIZMO's enhanced chat features, see: How to Enable Chat and Viewer Interactivity with Live Streaming.

VIDIZMO has built-in Live Chat feature, that allows users to seamlessly interact during casting of a live session. VIDIZMO Chat does not require any detailed steps of configuration and is enabled by default in customers' main portal and all sub-portals. However, if your organization has a wide base of users that will be actively participating in a Live session, then you may configure Live Chat Application using Azure Service Bus.

Here's how you can configure Live Chat Application in VIDIZMO using Azure: 

1. Configuring Live Chat services on your Azure Portal

2. Configuring Live Chat services on your VIDIZMO Portal

Before you start

1. You should have an Azure subscription to configure Live Chat Application.

2. You should have VIDIZMO Application deployed on premise. You can contact our Support for configuring Live Chat for your application on cloud.

3. You should either be an Administrator or Manager to be able to configure Live Chat Application in VIDIZMO.

4. Note that the changes you make will be reflected after restart of the Application and other services.

Steps to Configure Live Chat on Azure Portal

1. The first step of the process requires you to login to your Azure Portal. Now follow the steps here under create a namespace in the Azure Portal in order to create a Service Bus for your Live Chat.

2. Once you have created a Service Bus in your Portal, you need to get keys in the default Shared Access Policy of the newly created Service Bus. Follow the steps here under get connection string so that you can copy the Primary Key and Primary Connection String key. These keys are going to be required while configuring Live Chat in VIDIZMO. 

3. Now you need to create another SAS Policy with different permissions. Using your Azure Portal, on the same Shared Access Policy screen as the last step:

i. click Add to create a new Shared Access Policy.

ii. Type in a name for the policy. Select Send and Listen.

iii. Click Create to proceed. You will be notified 'Successfully created SAS Policy'. Copy Primary Key of the newly created policy, like in the previous step. This key is going to be required while configuring Live Chat in VIDIZMO.



Steps to configure Live Chat on VIDIZMO Portal 

Using aforementioned steps, Service Bus was created on Azure Portal. The information from Azure Portal will be used to configure VIDIZMO's Live Chat feature.

1. From the Account Homepage,

i. Click on the navigation menu on the top left of your screen.

ii. Expand Admin tab.

iii. Select Control Panel 

2. From the Control Panel screen:

i. Select Application Configuration. 

ii. And then select the General tab.

3. Under the General tab, provide information against the following fields. After a value has been provided in the field, make sure to click Update against every key to save your changes.

i. AzureChatServiceUrl: This is the Primary Connection String copied in Step 2 while configuring Live Chat in Azure Portal.

Note: When you are copying the Connection String, make sure to truncate the Primary Key value appended at the end of the string by default. For example, Azure Chat Service URL should be: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=

ii. Azure Service Bus Management Key: Key used for authentication by VIDIZMO to access and communicate with Azure Service Bus. This is the Primary Key copied in Step 2 while configuring Live Chat in Azure Portal.

iii.Azure Service Bus Send Receive Key: Key used to send/receive messages in a chat room. This needs to be separate from the Management key because it is exposed at the client side for communication using Azure directly, hence enhancing security. This is the Primary Key copied in Step 3 while configuring Live Chat in Azure Portal.

A notification will appear briefly stating: Application Configuration Updated. Live Chat Application is now ready to use. To learn more about it, see: How to Enable Chat in Live Streaming