Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between Account Homepage and Portal Homepage?

    VIDIZMO offers two types of homepages:

    1. Account Homepage: This is your main homepage that is displayed when someone accesses your account URL. This homepage allows admins to feature videos at the top and showcases the most recent, most popular, most viewed media and categories from all of your Portals. It is typically used to showcase organization-wide media such as CXO messaging, corporate training, or other digital media that is intended for an organization-wide audience.

    2. Channel/Portal Homepage: This is the homepage that is displayed when someone accesses a Portal/Portal. This homepage showcases all media from your Portal/Portal library and allows users to browse through the library categories or search for media using Tag Cloud. It is typically used to showcase media segregated on the basis of the target audience or topic.

    Note: In both cases, users are only able to view media from Portals that they have access to. Each Portal has its own homepage, however, there is only 1 Account Homepage in a customer account by default. In case you'd like to change your homepage layout from one to the other or make other adjustments, you can submit your customization request to the VIDIZMO support team.

  • How can I display playlists on the Home Page?

    To create a playlist, follow the step-by-step instructions in the "How to Create and Edit a Playlist" guide. Once done, proceed to the Control Panel and access the Home Page settings. You can effectively feature media on your portal's Home Page by adhering to the guidelines presented in the "How to Feature Media on Homepage" guide. This ensures seamless showcasing of selected content for an enhanced user experience.

  • Why Do I Need to Update My IP Geolocation Database?

    VIDIZMO offers a location restriction feature that enables enterprises to control portal restrictions by restricting access in specific regions through a subnet of denied IP addresses. This restriction can be applied to two types of locations: Private Locations and Public Locations. 


    For Public Locations, which can vary widely, the Internet relies on different geolocation services to approximate the locations of users based on their IP addresses. An IP geolocation database stores the latitude and longitude coordinates for given IP addresses, allowing enterprises to identify the corresponding country, region, or city. 


    Updating your IP geolocation database is crucial for accurately enforcing location restrictions. IP addresses change frequently, and an outdated database can result in incorrect enforcement. This could mean either blocking legitimate users or allowing access to restricted content. 


    Therefore, to ensure the effective functioning of this feature, it's essential to keep your IP geolocation database up to date. Failure to do so could cause issues with the location restriction feature and undermine its effectiveness due to the reliance on outdated information.